Speaker: Dr Laurenz Langer
Africa Centre for Evidence,
University of Johannesburg
Room 101, 16-18 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0AG
Time and Date:
14:00 – 15:00, 19/12/18
Click here to see a video of the presentation.
In response to this challenging gendered nature of wage labour markets in LMICs, a range of interventions and policies have been proposed to increase women’s employment. However, the labour market programmes to increase women’s wage employment vary greatly, as do the barriers to women’s wage labour participation. Different programme designs assume different pathways to support women’s employment and it is not clear what programme approaches and design features are most effective.
The systematic review followed a two-stage systematic review approach by conducting an evidence map and structured synthesis on the effects of interventions aiming to support women’s participation in wage labour in higher-growth/male dominated sectors in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). We used statistical meta-analysis in order to establish the overall effects of different labour market interventions and narrative synthesis where the identified evidence base did not allow us to statistically pool studies’ results. In order to investigate what design features of interventions are associated with positive intervention effects on women’s wage labour outcomes, we applied Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and narrative synthesis.
Laurenz is an Evidence Synthesis Specialist at the University of Johannesburg’s Africa Centre for Evidence (ACE). Laurenz leads ACE’s work in supporting national government decision-makers to integrate evidence from research synthesis in the formulation and design of public policies and programmes. He is the lead author of the Science of Using Science Report, a UCL EPPI Centre systematic review of what works to increase evidence use and serves as an Associate Editor at the Campbell Collaboration. Laurenz holds a PhD from the University College London and a BA degree in Development Studies from the University of Johannesburg. His research interests include evidence synthesis, decision-making in the public sector, and behavioural economics and social network analysis to support policy implementation.
Please contact IOE.SSRUAdmin@ucl.ac.uk for further information.