ResourcesMixed methods evidence synthesis
Slides and resources for our Evidence Synthesis Ireland course on mixed methods evidence synthesis

In September 2024, Angela Harden, Katy Sutcliffe and James Thomas are running a course on mixed methods evidence synthesis for Evidence Synthesis Ireland.

Slides used in the workshop


Key resources

Sutcliffe, K., Kneale, D. & Thomas, J. ‘Leading from the front’ implementation increases the success of influenza vaccination drives among healthcare workers: a reanalysis of systematic review evidence using Intervention Component Analysis (ICA) and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)BMC Health Serv Res 22, 653 (2022). 

Sutcliffe K, Harden A, Noyes J, Thomas J, Garside R. Chapter 14. Integrating qualitative and quantitative review evidence. Draft version (February 2024) for inclusion in: Noyes J, Harden A, editor(s). Cochrane-Campbell Handbook for Qualitative Evidence Synthesis, Version 1. London: Cochrane - qeschapter14intv0190224 (

Hong, Q. N., Rees, R., Sutcliffe, K. & Thomas, J. 2020. Variations of mixed methods reviews approaches: A case study. Research Synthesis Methods, 11, 795-811.

For the list of further reading, please click here

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