
The EPPI Centre is a formal partner of The Campbell Collaboration (C2), an international non-profit organisation that aims to help people make well-informed decisions about the effects of interventions in the social, behavioural and educational arenas. C2's objectives are to prepare, maintain and disseminate systematic reviews of studies of interventions.
The longest-running stream of EPPI Centre work has been for the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC). Since 1995 DHSC has commissioned a programme of work at the EPPI Centre, which is now funded by the NIHR, the NIHR Policy Research Programme Reviews Facility.
The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) undertakes high quality systematic reviews that evaluate the effects of health and social care interventions and the delivery and organisation of health care. It is a department of the University of York and is part of the National Institute for Health Research. The EPPI Centre and CRD have a long history of collaborations, including the use of EPPI Centre software EPPI-Reviewer for CRD reviews.

The ‘Cochrane Collaboration’ (Cochrane) has a partnership with the EPPI Centre which includes EPPI Reviewer (ER6) being a recommended web-based tool for Cochrane authors to support the development of Cochrane reviews from study screening through data collection, analysis and synthesis. People at the EPPI Centre also contribute to several Cochrane Methods Groups as active members and/or convenors, including the Co-Production, Economics, Equity, GRADE-ing, Information Retrieval, and Qualitative and Implementation Methods Groups.

The Department of Public Health, Environments and Society at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine conducts high quality multi-disciplinary research, including innovative systematic reviews, focused on the social and environmental determinants of health and public health interventions. The department has been collaborating with the EPPI Centre and CRD (see above) since 2014.

The National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) consists of a central hub and specialist nodes developing and communicating new research methods in the social sciences. As the Methods for Research Synthesis (MRS) node of the NCRM, the EPPI Centre is developing new methods for undertaking reviews which answer all types of research questions and thus address all types of research evidence.

The National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) is a not-for-profit organisation which undertakes research projects spanning all sectors of education, from pre-school to lifelong learning. They provide high quality, evidence-based research for policy makers, managers and practitioners. The EPPI Centre and NFER have worked collaboratively on reviews and on work for the C4EO.