PublicationsTopic index of systematic reviews
Topic index of systematic reviews

The large number of systematic reviews conducted by and supported by the EPPI Centre have contributed to a broad knowledge base that covers a number of subject areas.

This page enables users to search for the key messages within specific subject areas to which EPPI Centre reviews have contributed. These key messages have been developed from our broad knowledge base and may include findings from several reviews. Information about which reviews have contributed to this knowledge is available on each knowledge page, but users interested in the details and findings of a particular review should search via the list of reviews.

Index to the Knowledge Library

This section lists all topics covered in alphabetical order.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z


Accidental injury

Accountability  see Community accountability

Adult education

Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Agricultural interventions

Alcohol use


Anti-social behaviour see Behaviour

Antiretroviral therapy

Anxiety see Depression

Argumentative writing

Armed conflict

Art, education

Art, engagement


Autistic spectrum disorders; see also Disabled people - education

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Banking see also Microfinance


Bloodspot screening

Black and minority ethnic groups see Cultural diversity

Body dysmorphic disorder see Cosmetic interventions

Boys see Gender

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Caffeinated energy drinks and effects in UK young people

Cardiovascular disease

Careers education and guidance

Citizenship education

Classroom assistants

Cognitive development see Early years care and education

Committee effectiveness

Commissioning see Joint working/commissioning; Coordinated service provision

Community accountability; see also Corruption

Community cohesion

Community engagement in health

Community pharmacies

Compensation schemes (health care)

Conflict resolution

Consumer involvement in setting research priorities

Context-based science

Continuing Professional Development

Contraception see Family planning

Contract enforcement; see also Private sector participation

Cooking skills

Coordinated service provision

Corruption; see also Community accountability

Cosmetic interventions

Course development see Work-based learning

Creative and critical thinking skills

Crime see Coordinated service provision; Gang-related crime; Re-offending, reduction of

Cultural diversity

Cultural engagement

Cultural understanding

Culture, of schools see School culture

Cycle helmets


Cystic fibrosis screening

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Decision making see Committee effectiveness



Developing countries see Low- and middle-income countries

Diagnosis and screening

Disabled people - education

Disaster management

Doctors see Health workers


Drugs see Paediatric medication errors; Substance use

Dual practice see Health workers - dual practice                     

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Early years care and education

Eating healthily

Economics see Finance and economics

Education commissioning see Coordinated service provision

Education for people with a disability  see Disabled people - education

Education in low-income countries

Education of teachers see Teacher education

Education policy - implementation

Education systems, political economy of see Political economy of education systems

Electricity see Infrastructure

Emotional and behavioural difficulties


Energy use


English as a second or additional language

Equal opportunities

Ethnic minority groups


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Family planning

Feedback on student attainment

Finance and economics 

Formative assessment; see also Summative assessment

Fraud see Corruption

Free trade see Trade

Fuel use see Energy use

Further and higher education; see also Initial teacher education

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Gang-related crime

Gay sexual health


Gifted children

Girls see Gender; Teenage pregnancy


Group decision making see Committee effectiveness

Group work in science

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Health care

Health commissioning see Coordinated service provision

Health inequalities

Health insurance

Health policy - evaluation

Health promotion

Health services

Health workers

Healthcare see Health care

Healthy eating; see also Obesity

Hepatitis C

High Cost High Harm Household Units

Higher education see also Initial teacher education

HIV/AIDS see also Men who have sex with men


Household energy see Energy use

Hygiene see Water, sanitation and hygiene

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Incentive schemes

Inclusive education


Induction of newly qualified teachers

Inequalities see Health inequalities; Minority ethnic groups

Infrastructure see also Water, sanitation and hygiene; Land-use planning

Initial teacher education

Injuries (accidental)

Insurance see Health insurance; Microfinance

Integrated care and education

International development

Interreligious dialogue and ecumenism interventions


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Joint working/commissioning

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Land-use planning

Language difficulties


   See also English as a second or foreign language

Leadership (school)

Learning behaviour and skills; see also Thinking skills

Learning difficulties see Autistic spectrum disorders; Disabled people - education

Literacy; see also English as a second or foreign language

Low- and middle-income countries

Low-cost private schools see Private schools

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Management of schools

Maternity see Pregnancy and motherhood


Medication see Paediatric medication errors

Men who have sex with men

Mental health



Minority ethnic groups

Modern languages; see also English as a second or foreign language



Multi-agency work

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National health insurance see Health insurance

National health services see Health services

Negotiation see Conflict resolution

Newborn bloodspot screening

Newly qualified teachers - induction

No-fault compensation schemes see Compensation schemes (health care)

Numeracy see Mathematics

Nursing; see also Dual practice in healthcare; Salaries (health workers)

Nutrition see Agricultural interventions; Healthy eating


Obesity; see also Healthy eating; Physical activity

Out-of-home integrated care and education

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Paediatric medication errors

Paid adult support

Parenthood see Pregnancy and motherhood

Participation (general); see also Inclusive education; Participation in post-compulsory educationConsumer involvement in health settings

Participative learning (about systematic review techniques)

Partnership in school-based initial teacher education

Patient involvement in health settings

Peacebuilding see Armed conflict

Pedagogy see also specific curriculum subjects

Peer assessment

Peer health promotion

Peer negotiation see Conflict resolution

Personal development planning

Personal, social and health education

Physical activity

Policy see Education policy - implementation; Health policy - evaluation

Political economy of education systems

Post-compulsory education


Precision public health

Pregnancy and motherhood see also Family planning

Preschool education

Private schools

Private sector participation; see also Contract enforcement

Professional development; see also Initial teacher education

Psychiatric and psychosocial issues see Mental health

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Randomised controlled trials

Rape see Sexual violence

Recidivism see Re-offending, reduction of

References (list of systematic reviews)


Relationships see Conflict resolution; Personal, social and health education

Re-offending, reduction of

Reproductive health see Sexual health

Research priorities in health

Research techniques

Reviews see Methods and tools;  Systematic reviews - listSystematic reviews - techniques

Risk taking

Road safety

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Salaries (public servants)

Sanitation see Water, sanitation and hygiene

School-based initial teacher education

School culture

School inspection see Assessment and monitoring in low- and middle-income countries

School management


Science-Technology-Society approaches

Secondary education (16-19) see Post-compulsory education

Secondary school size

Self assessment


Sentence combining

Sexual health

Sexual violence

Small group work in science


Social care commissioning see Coordinated service provision

Social Care Outcomes Framework see Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework

Social cohesion see Community cohesion

Social exclusion

Social franchising (health-related)

Social welfare policy - evaluation; see also Welfare benefits

Speech and language difficulties

Special educational needs; see also Inclusive education

Sporting engagement

Sporting injuries

Sterilisation see Family planning

Substance use

Suicide prevention

Support staff

Summative assessment; see also Formative assessment


Systematic reviews - list

Systematic reviews - techniques; see also Participative learning; Methods and tools

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Talented children

Tariffs see Trade

Teacher education

Teacher qualifications see Initial teacher education: routes to qualification

Teacher salaries

Teaching assistants

Teenage pregnancy

Telecommunications see Infrastructure

Tertiary education see Further and higher education

Thinking skills; see also Learning behaviour and skills

Third World see Low- and middle-income countries


Tobacco see Smoking


Training see Teacher education; Work-based learning


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Untrained and under-trained teachers

Urban disaster management see Disaster management


Violence see Gang-related crime; Armed conflict

Vouchers in health promotion



War - young children's experiences

Water, sanitation and hygiene

Weight, healthy see Obesity

Welfare benefits

Women see Pregnancy and motherhood

Women, economic support for

Work-based learning; see also School-based initial teacher education

Workplace health

Workshops see Participative learning

Written composition

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Young parents

Youth offending see Behaviour

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