
The EPPI Centre provides and is involved in supporting a number of databases containing primary research studies and evidence reviews, many of which have been used in EPPI Centre systematic reviews. The databases give access to full references for primary data studies on which our research synthesis is based along with a basic description of study characteristics. Results of individual studies should be considered in light of study quality. Information on and links to each of these databases is provided below. The database of EPPI Centre systematic reviews can be searched in the evidence library.

Active databases


IPPO Living Map

We are maintaining a living map of systematic reviews of social sciences research evidence on COVID-19 as part of our role in the International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO) on COVID-19, funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Database of Promoting Health Effectiveness Reviews (DoPHER)

DoPHER is a specialised register of health promotion reviews. It currently contains over 7,000 reviews, identified in the following ways: 

  • as a result of conducting systematic reviews within the EPPI Centre.
  • searches of several external sources are carried out to locate reviews.

DoPHER is updated quarterly to keep it as current as possible. 

Trials Register of Promoting Health Interventions (TRoPHI)

TRoPHI is a web-based database of randomised controlled trials and controlled trials (non-randomised) of Public Health and Health Promotion interventions. It currently contains over 16,000 trials, identified in the following ways: 

  • as a result of conducting systematic reviews within the EPPI Centre. 
  • as a result of quarterly sensitive searches from August 2004. 
  • as the official register of the former Cochrane Health Promotion and Public Health field, it has been updated with studies forwarded by members of the field.

Databases not currently updated 

COVID-19: a systematic 'living' map of research

We maintained a surveillance of the rapidly expanding and developing evidence base during the pandemic emergency. We welcomed feedback on its scope, classification categories and visualisation approach.


BiblioMap, the EPPI Centre database of health promotion research, was compiled over a number of years as a result of searching and coding research for inclusion in systematic reviews. It contains approximately 14,400 records, mostly dated before 2011.

ASCOF Interventions Database (AID) – A database of systematic review evidence on interventions for supporting the outcomes set out in the Adult Social Care Framework (ASCOF)

This database was set up to enable users to explore evidence from 43 systematic reviews about the effectiveness of social care interventions for achieving the outcomes set out in the ASCOF. Focusing on interventions which are not effective or outcomes that councils cannot improve would risk diverting resources which could be used more cost effectively. The review was commissioned by the Department of Health, outlining the agreed outcome measures comprising the 2011/12 ASCOF.

Schemes to promote healthy weight among obese and overweight children in England 

The government has identified obesity as a priority, and there is considerable policy interest in the UK and internationally in tackling the problem of overweight and obesity in children and young people. However, assembling a picture of activity in this area has been problematic. This searchable database contains details of those schemes in England for which we were able to obtain data. There is also a report that is available online. In order to be included in the database, schemes needed a primary focus on tackling overweight or obesity in school-age children (4-18 years) who were already overweight or obese, through dietary, exercise or other means. The report was published in 2008 and the database has not been updated since this date.

The database on obesity and sedentary behaviour studies

The database on obesity and sedentary behaviour studies is unique in its focussed coverage of studies that aim to explore the relationship between obesity and sedentary behaviour. This register currently contains details of 326 studies from the world over that utilise a variety of designs to explore the association between obesity with sedentary behaviour. The searches were completed in 2009.

Database of Personal Development Planning (PDP) evaluation

The database of PDP evaluation studies contains reports of the implementation of Personal Development Planning initiatives in UK higher education institutions. This was last updated in 2004.

Database of Education Research

The database of references in the field of education is being developed by the EPPI Centre and Review Groups as a result of searching and coding research for systematic reviews. The aim of this database is to include all the keyworded references in all the systematic reviews; this enables searching for studies by their keyworded characteristics. References for all completed and ongoing systematic reviews are included in the database, which currently contains over 1,200 records. This was last updated in 2007.

The CASE database on the drivers, impact and value of engagement in culture and sport

The CASE database of empirical research marshals in one place studies that examine the drivers, impact and value of engagement in culture and sport. The database was developed as part of the CASE research programme, led by the English Department for Culture, Media and Sport. It was last updated in 2012.

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