Current and previous funders

The ‘Cochrane Collaboration’ (Cochrane) funds the EPPI Centre through our partnership agreement which includes EPPI Reviewer (ER6) being a recommended web-based tool for Cochrane authors to support the development of Cochrane reviews from study screening through data collection, analysis and synthesis.
The Danish Clearinghouse for Educational Research compiles, analyses and disseminates the results of educational research covering all levels, including early childhood education and care, primary and secondary schools, and higher education. They use EPPI-Reviewer and support its development.
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO, formerly DFID) commissioned the EPPI Centre to conduct systematic reviews and to support research teams elsewhere prepare systematic reviews addressing questions important to FCDO offices. The aim was to embrace all public policy sectors to provide evidence for national governments, international aid organisations, non-governmental organisations, regional and local policy-makers, practitioners, service users and the wider public.

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has funded the Methods for Research Synthesis programme of the National Centre for Research Methods and a Teaching and Learning Research Programme project on fit-for-purpose research. The EPPI Centre has also played an active part in several ESRC-funded Research Development Initiatives, working with colleagues both at Durham University and the Social Research Association. ESRC also currently funds the International Public Policy Observatory, in which the EPPI Centre is a lead partner.

The Government Social Research service (GSR) is the professional body for social researchers in the UK Civil Service. It supports the development, implementation, review and evaluation of government policy. The EPPI Centre contributed a module on research synthesis to an MSc in Policy Analysis and Evaluation run by GSR and the UCL Institute of Education. We were also commissioned to undertake rapid systematic evidence assessments for GSR and have helped design a toolkit for rapid evidence assessments, available on their website.
The National Institute for Health and Care Research has funded many reviews conducted by the EPPI Centre over the years. NIHR currently funds two major projects involving the EPPI Centre: the NIHR Policy Research Programme Reviews Facility and the London Alliance for the Coproduction of Evidence Synthesis (LACES) Evidence Synthesis Group.

Wellcome supports discovery research into life, health and wellbeing, and tackles three worldwide health challenges: mental health, infectious disease and climate and health. It has funded the EPPI Centre to conduct a review investigating factors affecting young people’s school subject choices.