ProjectsDeveloping economiesInternational DevelopmentInternational development current work
International development reviews underway

The following are title registrations and protocols of reviews that are part of our international development reviews area of work. Click on a title to view each one. 

Qualitative evidence on barriers to and facilitators of Women's participation in Higher or Gorwing Productivity and Male-Dominated Labor Market Sectors in Low-and Middle-Income Countries (protocol)


Are contract and para-teachers a cost effective intervention to address teacher shortage and improve learning outcomes? (protocol)  


Do community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) initiatives reduce the social and economic cost of disasters? (protocol)


Does the extension of the rural road network have a positive impact on poverty reduction and resilience for the rural areas served? If so how, and if not why not? A systematic review (protocol)


Effectiveness of behaviour change communication (BCC) interventions in delivering health messages on antenatal care for improving maternal and child health (MCH) indicators in a limited literacy setting: an evidence summary of systematic reviews. (protocol)


Effectiveness of different ‘gender-responsive policing’ initiatives designed to enhance confidence, satisfaction in policing services and reduce risk of violence against women in low and middle income countries - a systematic review. (protocol)


Effectiveness of nutrition interventions in low and middle income countries: An evidence summary. (protocol)


Effects of natural resource revenue sharing and investment arrangements on economic growth and poverty reduction in low- and middle-income countries (protocol)   


How effective are interventions which seek to improve access and quality of civic infrastructure and amenities? What are the key characteristics of successful interventions in urban areas? (title registration)


How effective are public works programmes in stimulating local economic transformation in low- and middle-income countries?


Interventions, Practices, and Contextual factors Linked to Student Learning Outcomes in Indonesia: A Systematic Review


Low-Cost Private Schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan: What evidence to support sustainable scale-up? (protocol)


Natural Resource Revenue Management In Low And Middle Income Countries Experiencing Politically Fragile Conditions : A Systematic Review. (preliminary protocol)


Reforms to Increase Teacher Effectiveness in Developing Countries (protocol)


Systematic review level evidence for effectiveness of behaviour change communication (BCC) interventions in delivering health messages for improving maternal and child health indicators in a limited literacy setting (protocol)


Systematic Review of Non-State Justice Systems in South Asia. (protocol)


Systematic review of quantitative evidence on the impact of microfinance on the poor in South Asia (Protocol)

Systematic review of various interventions and approaches used for enhancing poverty reduction and development of ‘within country migration’. (protocol)


Technology selection and its sustainability for low volume, rural road in low-income countries (protocol)


The impact of different approaches to higher education provision in increasing access, quality and completion for students in developing countries (protocol) 


The impact of mental health and psychosocial support programmes for populations affected by humanitarian emergencies: A systematic review protocol (protocol) 


The Impact of National and International Assessment Programmes on Educational Policy, Particularly Policies Regarding Resource Allocation and Teaching and Learning Practices in Developing Countries (protocol) 


Under what circumstances and conditions does adoption of technology result in increased agricultural productivity? 


Under what conditions do inspection, monitoring and assessment improve system efficiency, service delivery and learning outcomes for the poorest and most marginalised? A realist synthesis of school accountability in low- and middle-income countries (protocol)

What are people’s views and experiences of delivering and participating in microfinance interventions? A systematic review of qualitative evidence from South Asia (protocol)


What are the different models of non-state justice systems in South Asia? What are different approaches for strengthening complementarity between state and non-state justice delivery and what have been the effects of these interventions? (protocol)


What are the impacts of standardised national assessments (for example, of reading and numeracy) on policy, resource allocation and learning achievement for primary and secondary schools in developing countries? 


What factors affect take up of voluntary and community-based health insurance programmes in low- and middle- income countries? A systematic review

(title registration) (protocol) 


What is the evidence on what makes an effective urban planning framework for improved access to water, sanitation, and electricity services in low-income or informal settlements? (protocol)


What is the impact of microfinance on the well-being of the poor and what are the conditions for making microfinance work for the poor in South Asia?


What is the impact of urbanisation on risk of, and vulnerability to, natural disasters? What are the effective approaches for reducing exposure of urban population to disaster risks? (protocol)


What policies and interventions have been strongly associated with changes in in-country income inequality? (protocol)


What policies and interventions have been strongly associated with the translation of growth into reductions in income poverty? (protocol)


Women in wage labour: A systematic review of the effectiveness and design features of interventions supporting women’s participation in wage labour in higher growth and/or male-dominated sector in LMICs (protocol)


Working with non-state providers in post-conflict and fragile states in primary healthcare service delivery (protocol) 


See our other work in international development.

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