ProjectsDeveloping economiesCall for systematic reviews: advance notice
Call for systematic reviews

The Department for International Development (DFID) leads the UK’s work to end extreme poverty and commissions world-class research that directly improves people’s lives. The DFID Systematic Review Programme aims to strengthen evidence-informed policy making through the production of high quality and policy relevant evidence synthesis products.

With this aim in mind, DFID has awarded the EPPI Centre the contract to commission its next round of systematic reviews, to provide training and support for the review teams, and to quality assure their work. We shall be working with DFID to identify unanswered questions that are important to policy and can usefully be addressed by systematic reviews. The first questions relate to the area of:

Women's economic empowerment


The aim is to maximise the policy relevance of these systematic reviews by drawing on DFID policy teams and other experts in the topic area to focus the review and interpret the emerging findings.

Once commissioned, review teams will have access to: training available long distance; tools and templates from searching to reporting; peer review of protocols and draft reports; and distance support throughout by email, Skype or telephone.

We expect this call to result in learning for policy and for research, and lead to:

  • Increased use of high quality evidence to inform policy and programmes in DFID
  • Researchers adopting/adapting methods to maximise policy relevance of subsequent systematic reviews

The last date for submitting the proposal(s) is: Monday 8 August 2016 by 17:00 UK time. You may apply for one or both questions by submitting separate proposals for each. However, bidders from the same organisation should not submit more than one proposal for the same question.

You may submit your queries on this call via emails to the email address by 7 July 2016. Responses to the queries will be posted on the EPPI Centre’s website by 14 July 2016.

Please find documents for this call here:


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