ProjectsNIHR Policy Reviews FacilityPublished reviews (by date)COVID-19: Living systematic map of the evidenceCOVID-19 Resources
Resources relating to COVID-19

Coronavirus Resources

Compiled: 4 March 2020         Last Updated: 30th August 2024 (links checked monthly)


The list of resources was put together during the planning stage of the COVID-19: a living systematic map of the evidence and has been updated as new resources have emerged. We do not claim that this is an exhaustive list, or that the content of every resource is accurate. The list simply aims to help those looking for research on COVID-19, and users should assess for themselves the relevance and reliability of each source.  We have compiled the list based on resources known to our project team members as well as consulting the following sources:



Last updated

Search strategy available?

Search details



Cochrane COVID-19 study register



Daily searches of and PubMed, weekly searches of the WHO's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), Embase, medRxiv and monthly searches of CENTRAL  – see website About section for further details.

Annotated collection of human studies on COVID-19, including interventional, observational, diagnostic, prognostic, epidemiological, qualitative and economic designs.

COVID-19: A living systematic map of the evidence



Content was derived from Embase and MEDLINE searches to begin with, but it now operates from an automated surveillance of the Microsoft Academic dataset. Further details available in the About section of the map.

From NIHR Policy Research Programme Reviews Facility, a collaboration between the EPPI-Centre, CRD and LSHTM.

COVID-19 Best Evidence Front Door

[page no longer exists]


Unclear – website states collected from trusted sources including the Cochrane Collaboration and Michigan Critical Care Collaborative Network.

Database of highly-reliable meta-analyses, literature syntheses, and clinical guidelines on COVID-19. Provided by The Taubman Health Sciences Library and the Department of Learning Health Sciences at the University of Michigan.

COVID-19 Evidence Reviews

[page no longer exists]


Searches of LitCovid, COVID-19 Portfolio Search, WHO COVID database, CEBM Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service, Cochrane, ECRI COVID-19 Center, National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools, McMaster University, INHATA member organizations, PROSPERO, CEBM Questions Under Review, and Cochrane COVID Rapid Reviews.

Catalog of COVID-19 related reviews provided by the VA Evidence Synthesis Program. Includes completed and in progress reviews by evidence synthesis groups from US and around the world. Those meeting minimum quality standards and living reviews are tagged for easier identification.

COVID-19 Research Articles Downloadable Database

12 Jan 2024


Systematic searches of various bibliographic databases and hand searching selected grey literature sources. See website under methodology for full details of search strategies used and sources searched.

Provided by The Stephen B. Thacker CDC Library.

NB: Content up to 9 October 2020 only available via this website. The database has now merged with the WHO COVID-19 database.

COVID-19 Research Project Tracker

09 Nov 2023

[page not found]


Live database of funded COVID-19 research projects from around the world from UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) and Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Diseases Preparedness (GLoPID-R).

COVID-19 TrialsTracker

22 Nov 2020


Weekly download of WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) COVID-19 dataset.

From the DataLab and Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford.

COVID-19 vaccine development pipeline

11 August 2022

[no longer updated]


Milken Institute COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Tracker,, PubMed, medRxiv

Developed by the Vaccine Centre at LSHTM to follow COVID-19 vaccine candidates as they progress through the development pipeline. Living review now available with additional searches of PubMed and medRxiv to identify articles reporting results from human clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccine candidates.


01 June 2022

[no longer updated]


Searches of L.OVE platform, WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) and Protocol here

A living database of planned, ongoing and completed trials of interventions to treat and prevent COVID-19.




Searches of L.OVE platform, Cochrane COVID study register, Retraction Watch database, WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), European Medicines Agency and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approvals website.    Latest protocol

Living mapping of ongoing research on COVID-19 and a living synthesis of published trials.

IPPO Living Map of Social Science Systematic Reviews



ER-Web, PubMed, COVID-19 Evidence Reviews Database, Epistemonikos.

Further details listed in: about this map

Living mapping of social science systematic reviews





Curated literature hub containing articles from PubMed on 2019 novel Coronavirus. Categorised by research topic and geographic location.

Living Overview of the Evidence: Coronavirus COVID-19



Searches of various databases including Epistimonkos, PubMed,, ISRCTN – full list of sources and methods described here

Systematic reviews and primary studies.

Living systematic review of COVID-19 registered clinical trials



Weekly searches of WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform – see protocol

From the Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO). Aiming to summarise the characteristics of COVID-19 clinical trial registrations. Baseline results of living systematic review and interactive visualisation available.

Living systematic review of mental health in COVID-19

Last update unknown


Searches of MEDLINE (Ovid), PsycINFO (Ovid), CINAHL, EMBASE (Ovid), Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang databases, and various trial registers – see protocol


LIVIVO COVID-19 Collection

Last update unknown


Sources searched to populate the collection.

Search portal containing around 50000 studies on COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2. Also see Preprint database containing COVID-19 related preprints from sources such as medRxiv, bioRxiv, ResearchSquare.

NIHR Innovation Observatory



Searches of, WHO ICTRP, EU Clinical Trials Register, CHiCTR, China Trial Registries, GlobalData, Foundation for Innovation New Diagnostics

Database of ongoing clinical trials of therapies and diagnostic tests relating to COVID-19.

Norwegian Institute of Public Health systematic and living map on COVID-19 evidence

09 Feb 2021


Screened results of weekly searches of MEDLINE and Embase provided by the Eppi-Center and weekly search of Scopus. See here

Map of publications on COVID-19 categorised into specific topics, population groups and publications types.

Health Security Agency Strategic Framework for COVID-19

16 Dec 2021



Register of UKHSA led studies since February 2020. Access via PHE Finding the Evidence: Coronavirus page - scroll down to 4th heading “Public Health Strategic Framework for COVID-19”

UNCOVER Register of Reviews

Last update unknown



Register of completed COVID-19 evidence reviews from around the world provided by UNCOVER (Usher Network for COVID-19 Evidence Reviews).

WHO COVID-19 Database

Daily (Mon-Fri)


Searches of bibliographic databases, hand searching, and expert-referred scientific articles. Multiple search strategies under continual revision are used.

Search via new interface or all references are available to download into Excel or reference management software.


Global Health and CAB Abstracts

Last update unknown



Public health database containing coronavirus collection (not open access).

GIDEON (Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Online Network)

Last update unknown



Infectious diseases database via Ovid (not open access).


COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19)

02 June 2022


As above

Datasets and notebooks for an AI challenge using the above dataset.


Cochrane COVID Rapid Reviews


[page not found on 17 07 2023]




Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group


[group no longer active]



Summaries of Cochrane Reviews from EPOC and other groups relevant to COVID-19.

ECRI COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Assessments




Collection of evidence assessments undertaken by Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI) on clinical topics relating to COVID-19.

Living Evidence Repository for COVID-19


[page not found on 15 06 2023]



Preliminary reports and systematic reviews published by COVID-19 L·OVE group.

McMaster NCCMT COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews




Collection of research questions for rapid evidence reviews currently in development with links to final reviews once complete.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)




Collection of COVID-19 rapid guidelines and rapid evidence summaries produced by NICE.

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration West




Collection of evidence reviews both in progress and complete, by teams of researchers from various research groups across England.

Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service




Collection of rapid reviews in response to questions from GPs on COVID-19.

UK Health Security Agency Guide to Rapid Reviews

April 2022



Useful guide to sources of rapid reviews detailing content, search features and approach of each resource.

UKHSA Covid-19 Rapid Reviews




Completed and in progress rapid reviews by PHE COVID-19 Evidence Team.

UNCOVER (Usher Network for COVid-19 Evidence Reviews)




Rapid reviews completed in short time-scales by Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh.


COVID-I9 Alert – UKHSA Knowledge and Library Service

No longer updated as of 29 Sept 2022.



UKHSA Knowledge and Library Services produce a daily alert containing links to research and news on the latest coronavirus outbreak. Contains latest research articles and news from government departments. See under tab ‘Keeping up to date’. Email to be put on mailing list.

Epistemonikos Foundation COVID-19 Blog

26 June 2020

[page not found on 15 06 2023]



Evidence-based answers.

Evidence Aid Coronavirus evidence collection

27 August 2024



Plain language summaries of high quality research within the categories of diagnostics and epidemiology, health and social care systems and services, infection prevention and control, social consequences of pandemic and treatment.

Institute of Development Studies Health Evidence Summaries

10 May 2021



Daily summaries of COVID-19 research to support DFID and UK government response.

McMaster COVID-19 Evidence Alerts



Searches of MEDLINE

Daily alerts of articles from MEDLINE relating to COVID-19 clinical care, critically appraised and assessed for clinical relevance by researchers and clinicians from McMaster University.

Office for National Statistics COVID-19 roundup



Summary of insights into latest ONS data and analysis on COVID-19 and effects on society and economy. Sign-up available for daily email alerts.

UKHSA Behavioural Science Reference Cell Literature Report

20 May 2022

[now discontinued]



Weekly report of latest research on COVID-19 relating to behavioural science – see under tab ‘Keeping up to date’

UKHSA Covid-19 Literature Digest

04 March 2022

[now discontinued]



Digest of new COVID-19 evidence (articles, pre-prints etc.) published three times a week. Evidence organised into themes (Serology and immunology, diagnostics and genomics, epidemiology and clinical, infection control, treatment, and modelling). See under tab ‘Keeping up to date’

UKHSA Knowledge and Library Service Weekly Care Homes Evidence Digest

29 April 2022

[now discontinued]


Searches of Covid-19 review repositories, PHE Covid-19 evidence digest, Ovid Medline and Embase, Social Care Online, medRxiv and various websites.

Weekly digest of evidence on prevention and control of COVID-19 in home care/care home settings. See under tab ‘Keeping up to date’

The Strategy Unit

02 Oct 2020


See individual summaries for sources searched. Search strategies can be viewed via the live search links. Searches are “pragmatic and specific rather than comprehensive and sensitive”.

Evidence summaries on covid-19 related topics (8 so far on care homes, lifting restrictions, rehab, screening and testing, broader impacts, impacts on non-covid services, prospective population studies, inequalities). Also includes live evidence searches for each topic and weekly alerting service for new evidence on each topic.


bioRxiv / med Rxiv preprints

29 August 2024



COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 preprints from medRxiv and bioRxiv (not peer reviewed).

CADTH COVID-19 search strings

See website


See website

Search strategies for use in PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, LitCovid, and Scopus, developed by information specialists at the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Healthcare (CADTH).



"wuhan coronavirus" in condition field (automatically searches for these terms in addition: COVID, SARS-CoV-2, 2019 novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)


Elsevier – ScienceDirect



Coronavirus OR "Corona virus" OR "2019-nCoV" OR "SADS-CoV" OR "SARS-CoV" OR "MERS-CoV" OR “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome” OR “Middle East Respiratory Syndrome” (in title, abstract or author-specified keywords)

Options to further filter results. Free access to the most relevant research on COVID-19 and related viruses.

Elsevier - SSRN




Preprints (not peer-reviewed) articles on COVID-19. Free to download articles.

See also SSRN Interdisciplinary Coronavirus and Infectious Disease Related Research




covid-19 OR sars-ncov OR coronavirus OR mers-cov

From GIDIF-RBM (the Italian Association of Health Librarian and Information Specialists)

EU Clinical Trials Register





MEDLINE (Ovid)/Journals@Ovid




Ovid Discovery



(Coronavirus OR 2019-nCoV OR nCoV OR COVID-19)

Searches following resources:




LWW Journals & Books


Open Research Library



Options for further filtering of results.





(((coronavirus or corona-virus) AND (wuhan or beijing or shanghai or Italy or South-Korea or korea or China or Chinese or 2019-nCoV or nCoV or COVID-19 or Covid19 or SARS-CoV* or SARSCov2 or ncov)) OR (pneumonia AND Wuhan) or "COVID-19" or "2019-nCoV" or "SARS-CoV" or SARSCOV2 or 2019-nCov or "2019 coronavirus" or "2019 corona virus" or covid19 or ncov OR "novel corona virus" or "new corona virus" or "nouveau corona virus" or "2019 corona virus" OR "novel coronavirus" or "new coronavirus" or "nouveau coronavirus" or "2019 coronavirus" OR (MeSH DESCRIPTOR Coronavirus Infections EXPLODE ALL TREES) OR ((MeSH DESCRIPTOR Coronavirus EXPLODE ALL TREES) AND (wuhan or beijing or shanghai or Italy or South-Korea or korea or China or Chinese or 2019-nCoV or nCoV or COVID-19 or Covid19 or SARS-CoV* or SARSCov2 or ncov))) NOT Animal:DB


(((coronavirus or corona-virus) AND (wuhan or beijing or shanghai or Italy or South-Korea or korea or China or Chinese or 2019-nCoV or nCoV or COVID-19 or Covid19 or SARS-CoV* or SARSCov2 or ncov)) OR (pneumonia AND Wuhan) or "COVID-19" or "2019-nCoV" or "SARS-CoV" or SARSCOV2 or 2019-nCov or "2019 coronavirus" or "2019 corona virus" or covid19 or ncov OR "novel corona virus" or "new corona virus" or "nouveau corona virus" or "2019 corona virus" OR "novel coronavirus" or "new coronavirus" or "nouveau coronavirus" or "2019 coronavirus" OR (MeSH DESCRIPTOR Coronavirus Infections EXPLODE ALL TREES) OR ((MeSH DESCRIPTOR Coronavirus EXPLODE ALL TREES) AND (wuhan or beijing or shanghai or Italy or South-Korea or korea or China or Chinese or 2019-nCoV or nCoV or COVID-19 or Covid19 or SARS-CoV* or SARSCov2 or ncov))) AND Animal:DB

Auto-searches for human or animal systematic review protocols relating to COVID-19. Additional filtering by topic area available. PROSPERO is fast tracking any registrations of systematic reviews relating to COVID-19.




2019-nCoV OR 2019nCoV OR COVID-19 OR SARS-CoV-2 OR ((wuhan AND coronavirus) AND 2019/12[PDAT]:2030[PDAT])

See: MESH supplementary concept  of "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2" (and mapped to heading Betacoronavirus)  is also picked up by the following entry terms:


2019 novel coronavirus


COVID-19 virus

COVID19 virus



Wuhan coronavirus

Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus

coronavirus disease 2019 virus

Social Care Online


[no longer updated – available until December 2023]

[site cannot be reached 15th April 2024]



COVID-19 research relating to social care and social work.




TITLE-ABS-KEY (“Wuhan coronavirus” OR “Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus” OR “COVID19*” OR “COVID-19*” OR “COVID-2019*” OR “coronavirus disease 2019” OR “SARS-CoV-2” OR sars2 OR “2019-nCoV” OR “2019 novel coronavirus” OR “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” OR “2019 novel coronavirus infection” OR “coronavirus disease 2019” OR “coronavirus disease-19” OR “novel coronavirus” OR coronavirus OR “SARS-CoV-2019” OR “SARS-CoV-19”)

Advanced search > enter the above as a query string and limit to years 2020, 2021, 2022

From GIDIF-RBM (the Italian Association of Health Librarian and Information Specialists)






Population: covid-19 or "novel coronavirus"

Search string recommended in Trip blog

Web of Science Core collection




TS=(“Wuhan coronavirus” OR “Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus” OR “COVID19*” OR “COVID-19*” OR “COVID-2019*” OR “coronavirus disease 2019” OR “SARS-CoV-2” OR SARS2 OR “2019-nCoV” OR “2019 novel coronavirus” OR “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” OR “2019 novel coronavirus infection” OR “coronavirus disease 2019” OR “coronavirus disease-19” OR “novel coronavirus” OR coronavirus OR “SARS-CoV-2019” OR “SARS-CoV-19”)

Advanced search > search in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) --1900-present > custom year range 2020-2022

GIDIF-RBM (the Italian Association of Health Librarian and Information Specialists) via this link

WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform




All COVID-19 studies in the registry are available to download as csv or xml file.




Last updated






Research, news, editorials, opinion pieces from BMJ collections (including BMJ speciality journals) relating to COVID-19

BMJ Best Practice


19 June 2024


Overview of coronaviruses

17 Aug 2020

Links to related sections on MERS, SARS

Management of coexisting conditions in the context of COVID-19

13 Feb 2024


Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


COVID-19: critical care

6 August 2024

Cochrane reviews relevant to management of people hospitalized with severe acute respiratory infections. Updated on an ongoing basis.

COVID-19: infection control and prevention measures

6 August 2024  

Cochrane reviews relevant to prevention of infection. Updated on an ongoing basis.

COVID-19: effective options for quitting smoking during the pandemic

08 June 2021

Cochrane reviews relevant to quitting smoking. Updated on an ongoing basis.

COVID-19: regional anaesthesia to reduce drug use in anaesthesia and avoid aerosol generation

05 Jan 2021

Cochrane reviews relevant to regional anaesthesia. Updated on an ongoing basis.

COVID-19: remote care through telehealth

29 July 2021


Cochrane reviews relevant to telehealth. Updated on an ongoing basis.

COVID-19: optimizing health in the home workspace

08 June 2021

Cochrane reviews relevant to maintaining health and wellbeing when working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Updated on an ongoing basis.

COVID-19: support for wellbeing in the healthcare workforce

02 Feb 2022


Cochrane reviews on interventions that may help support the wellbeing of the healthcare workforce and reduce occupational stress. Updated on an ongoing basis.

COVID-19: evidence relevant to clinical rehabilitation

06 Jan 2021


Cochrane reviews relating to rehabilitation interventions for people recovering from COVID-19 with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and pulmonary restrictive syndrome, post-intensive care syndrome (PICS), post-extubation swallowing disorders, multiple organ failure and shock, PTSD.

Cochrane COVID reviews

5 Feb 2024

Cochrane reviews (completed and in progress) relating to COVID-19.



Last update unknown

COVID-19 Information Portal from EBSCO.



25 July 2023

Guidance and clinical information, access to research articles in Elsevier journals.  Some information from China, including some in Chinese, from sources including the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  Also includes official guidance from a number of countries.

Emerald Publishing


Last update unknown

[no access as of 16 08 2023]

Expert briefings, journal articles, book chapters, relating to Coronaviruses and epidemics more broadly.  The scope of research topics range from areas such as legal and ethical lessons from SARS in 2003, to public health approaches to global issues, and impacts of SARS on tourism.

JAMA Network


29 August 2024


Joanna Briggs Institute


Last update unknown

Free access to collections of systematic reviews by JBI relevant to challenges of COVID-19 pandemic.

The Lancet


January 2024

Lancet content on COVID-19.

Mary Ann Liebert


01 Dec 2020

Several free articles on coronaviruses from journal Health Security.

The New England Journal of Medicine


17 July 2024


Oxford Academic Journals


Last update unknown [page not found]

OUP journal articles, book chapters on coronavirus and related topics



14 July 2023

Medical, social, and behavioural science articles from SAGE Publishing relating to COVID-19

Springer Nature


Last update unknown


Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene


Last update unknown

6 articles relating to outbreak of coronavirus. New articles to be added in future.



31 Dec 2022


Wolters Kluwer


Last update unknown




July 22 2024

Literature review on Coronaviruses.


Aug 29 2024

Literature review on COVID-19.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


18 Dec 2021

[no longer updated]

CDC COVID-19 Science Updates – produced twice a week containing brief summaries of new COVID-19-related studies

Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies COVID-19 Scientific Resources


08 May 2020

Provided by the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian studies, the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID). Aims to inform governments, humanitarian organisations and media representatives on the latest evidence on the COVID-19 virus. Publications listed according to date.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


15 March 2024


China Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Tracking the Epidemic


17 Nov 2022

Numbers of cases and deaths. (English)

CIDRAP – Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy


22 July 2024

Bibliography, recent news, online resources on Covid-19

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control


5 July 2024





Real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats. Click on settings to change location. List view shows more details of each alert in a given location.

Imperial College London COVID-19 Response Team



[page not found]

All output from the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team, including publicly published online reports, planning tools, scientific resources, publications and video updates.

John Hopkins University CSSE



Real-time visualisation and tracking of reported cases of 2019-nCoV. Related blog post

The New Humanitarian


27 Dec 2021

Article tracking the global response to coronavirus outbreak.

Office for National Statistics (UK)


30 Aug 2024

Latest datasets, articles and compendiums relating to COVID-19




24 Aug 2024

Global reporting of COVID-19




Estimated current numbers based on statistics and projections from official organizations including the UN Population Division, World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and World Bank.


COVID19 Recommendations


Last update unknown

A living catalogue of COVID-19 clinical, public health and health policy guidelines from key organisations around the world. Aimed at decision-makers looking to identify relevant recommendations for their question of interest.

Database of public health guidance on COVID-19


16 Dec 2021

Collection of UK and international public health guidelines compiled by HTA team at the Health Information and Quality Authority, Ireland.

ECRI COVID-19 Clinical Guidelines

[page not found on 29 05 2024]

Last update unknown

Guidelines from nationally and internationally recognized medical organizations and medical specialty societies, evaluated by the ECRI Guidelines Trust team.



Last update unknown

Compilation of links to international and government-sponsored guidelines from several countries and regions around the world.


Australian Medical Association


28 Feb 2020


Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress 


Last update unknown

Factsheets/guidance on wellbeing of people during coronavirus outbreak.



Last update unknown

Regularly updated social and behaviour change tools and resources on COVID-19.

Evidence aid – guidelines on Novel Coronavirus

Chinese guidelines

04 August 2021

Compiled by Lanzhou University.

Italian guidelines

05 March 2020

Compiled by Cochrane Drugs and Alcohol Group Italy.

Japanese guidelines

04 August 2021

Compiled by Bukkyo University.

Health Protection Scotland


08 Sept 2023

Information and guidance on COVID-19 for Scotland.

Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare


May 2023

Website available in English. Information and guidance on COVID-19 from Japan.

Korean (South) Ministry of Health


March 2023

[not working]

Some guidance information in English on COVID-19.

New Zealand Ministry of Health


Last update unknown

Factsheets and guidance for health professionals on COVID-19.

The Transplantation Society


08 June 2020

Guidance on Coronavirus disease 2019 for transplant clinicians.


5Minute Consult


April 2021


Summary info on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).



30 Dec 2023


ALNAP is a network of humanitarian organisations. Their COVID 19 Response Portal contains guidelines, tools, papers and lessons learnt.

Campaign for Social Sciences COVID-19 hub


Last update unknown

Social science research and policy hub. Includes links to COVID-19 resources from universities, research institutions, think-tanks and learned societies.

Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)

Covid site

23 Oct 2023

Research related to COVID-19 from CADTH and other organizations.

Grey literature sources

02 Oct 2023

Curated list of freely available evidence-based sources of grey literature for health professionals, librarians and researchers. Prioritizes Canadian resources and high quality rapid knowledge syntheses. List also available to download as a report in Word.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Main CDC website for COVID-19.

COVID-END guide to resources


Last update unknown

Provided by the COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-making (COVID-END) with resources to support decision-makers,  resources for researchers,  and an inventory of best evidence syntheses.

EBSCO Dynamed


20 August 2024

Evidence-based content on COVID-19 for practicing clinicians.

Economics Observatory


Last update unknown [page not found on 15 09 2023]

Database of planned, ongoing and completed research by economists on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on families, workers, firms, and society. Filtering of results by topic and country available.

Evidence Synthesis Ireland


26 Mar 2020

COVID-19 Evidence Synthesis Resources

Global Health Network


Last update unknown

COVID-19 research implementation and knowledge hub to help research teams find support, tools, resources and guidance to aid their studies.

The Health Foundation


Last update unknown

Health Foundation COVID-19 content - blogs, reports, briefings, charts. Includes COVID-19 policy tracker - description and timeline of national policy and health system responses to COVID-19 in England, and COVID-19 chart series exploring the various impacts of the pandemic.

HESG COVID study database


Last update unknown

UK Health Economists’ Study Group has set up a database of studies relating to COVID-19 to support research prioritisation.

International Severe Acute Respiratory and emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC)


Last update unknown

ISARIC provides a collaborative platform through which global, patient‐oriented clinical studies can be developed, executed and shared.

John Hopkins Center for Health Security Covid 19 Resources


Last update unknown

Covid-19 resources for public health, clinical, and public policy practitioners.

Lippincott Nursing Center


11 Jan 2024

Summary information for nurses

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


Last update unknown

News, events, publications, videos etc. from LSHTM on COVID-19



15 May 2023

Reports, summaries of evidence, policy and practice measures relating to the impact of COVID-19 on long-term care. UK and international.

MEDBOX rapid response toolbox


Last update unknown [404 – page not found]

Collection of the most important guidelines and resources, situation reports, communication tools, laboratory guidance, etc., including documents important for Infection & Prevention Control IPC, risk communication or Prevention & Preparedness.

Microsoft Academic


16 March 2020

Explains services from Microsoft Academic relating to COVID-19, including COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) – see above under COVID-19 datasets.

NCBI Insights


Last update unknown

Genome information

Nuffield Foundation


19 October 2022

Current ongoing social policy research projects relating to COVID-19 funded by Nuffield Foundation

UKHSA Data Dashboard



Daily status updates on number of UK cases

Prevent Epidemics


Last update unknown

Website by Resolve to Save Lives providing country-level data on epidemic preparedness.

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)


29 April 2022

Scientific evidence supporting the UK government response to COVID-19.

UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence


24 June 2020 [page not found]

Blogs, briefing papers and webinars on issues in housing relating to the current pandemic.


Health topic: coronavirus

13 June 2024

Main WHO website for coronaviruses.


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