PublicationsTopic index of systematic reviewsKnowledge pagesEnglish as a second or additional language
Teaching English as a second or additional language
This page contains the findings of systematic reviews undertaken by review groups linked to the EPPI Centre

This page presents findings which may assist the teaching of English to students for whom English is not their first language.

  • There was some evidence that, under some conditions, word processing could improve writing and editing quality.[2]
  • There was a general trend towards students finding computer-assisted sessions enjoyable and helpful, and teachers reported their role changing towards being facilitators.[2]
  • There were some suggestions that learning and motivation are assisted by: integration of ICT into regular class procedures and activities, a high-support user-friendly environment and the use of collaborative work with the goal of a concrete end-product.  However, the evidence was not clear-cut or conclusive.[2]
  • Providing opportunities for small group work in literacy was tentatively recommended.[1]


1. What strategies can be used by initial teacher training providers, trainees and newly qualified teachers to raise the attainment of pupils from culturally diverse backgrounds? (2004)

2. A systematic review of the impact of ICT on literacy learning in English of learners between 5 and 16, for whom English is a second or additional language (2004)

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