Published: October 2021 – TBC / ongoing | Contact: Ian Shemilt
Access the current living map here (see below for details)
An estimated 1.8 million people in the UK - 3% of the population - are experiencing ongoing symptoms after COVID-19, known as 'long COVID’ (NIHR 2024). In October 2021, we began to maintain a long COVID 'segment' of our broader living map of international research evidence on COVID-19 (Lorenc 2020), commissioned by the UK Department of Health and Social Care. We aimed to include in the original 'segment' studies concerning people who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection and who have any symptoms at >4 weeks after diagnosis. When we discontinued continual updating of our broader living map in October 2023, we deployed a slightly modified automated workflow featuring machine learning tools to enable us to continue to continually update the long COVID 'segment' as a stand-alone living map of research (web database).

To continually maintain an automated living map of international research evidence on long COVID, partitioned by topic.
For further details of the methods we use to maintain this living map of long COVID research, please see 'About this map' in the living map (web database).
The current version of this living map - Version 109 - 3rd January 2025 (published 21st January 2025) - contains 6,730 bibliographic records of research articles likely to be about long COVID, partitioned by topic and version.
Shemilt I, Khouja C, Lorenc T, Raine G, Sowden A, Sutcliffe K, Thomas J (2024). Long COVID - Automated living map of research. London: EPPI Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education, University College London.
Further information
This work is being undertaken by a team of researchers based at the EPPI Centre under the auspices of the UK NIHR Policy Research Programme Reviews Facility (NIHR PRP Reviews Facility). The NIHR PRP Reviews Facility is a collaboration between the EPPI Centre (UCL), the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD, University of York) and the Department of Public Health, Environments and Society (PHES, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine).