Our latest report
Evidence seminars
What are embedded researchers?
EPPI Reviewer
Covid & population mental health
  • Some experience abnormally persistent and intense symptoms of grief that significantly interfere with daily functioning and increase the risk of adverse health outcomes
  • EPPI and the Centre for Evaluation at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine are collaborating to deliver the ‘London Systematic Reviews and Research Use Seminars’.
  • Embedding researchers into policy and other settings may represent one way of radically changing the ecosystem in which evidence is generated and applied. Find out more here…
  • Our specialist application for all types of literature review, including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, ‘narrative’ reviews and meta-ethnographies.
  • A systematic review on interventions addressing the widespread mental health issues during the pandemic.

Better evidence for better decision-making:
robust and responsive reviews informing policy and practice

The Evidence for Policy & Practice Information Centre is a team of researchers and professionals
based at University College London who:

  • Conduct systematic reviews across health, education, welfare and other public policy sectors.
  • Work closely with policymakers, practitioners and the public to understand their needs.
  • Value and encourage participation in all stages of systematic reviews by people with
    diverse perspectives.
  • Study and develop methods to support the conduct of systematic reviews and their use
    in decision-making.
  • Provide support, training and guidance for others seeking to undertake systematic reviews. 
  • Develop and maintain EPPI Reviewer software for conducting systematic reviews.




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Recent and forthcoming Seminars

Equity across the research continuum for interdisciplinary food system and nutrition research: How are we doing and how can we do better? Wednesday November 20th 12:30 - 13:45 (GMT)

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Report on Embedded Researchers is now live!

What are embedded researchers and what influence do they have in public health settings?

Our report containing primary and secondary research is now live.

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COVID-19 'living' systematic map of research

Health research for NIHR
Social science research for IPPO

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