EPPI Reviewer 4 (ER 4) is the previous version of our application, still made available for a period to allow existing users to adjust and make the switch to ER 6. Launched in Autumn 2010, it has been used by thousands of reviewers across many projects, covering a wide of topics.
Mac users |
ER4 requires OS X 10.14 (Mojave) or earlier. Catalina 10.15 or Big Sur 11 users - see this post.

(Both versions of EPPI Reviewer use the same underlying databases and anything you do in one version will be reflected in the other.)
Note that ER 4 requires a legacy browser or emulator, together with Microsoft's Silverlight web browser add-on. We have created set-up guides to assist you in running ER 4, available below.
The ER 4 user manual provides detailed instructions on using the program, leading you through the most commonly used functions in the software (last updated: October 9th, 2018).
Videos covering ER 4 can be found here. (An overview of the features of ER 4 can be found here.)
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As mentioned above, ER 4 requires Microsoft's Silverlight web browser add-on. There are a number of ways to access this.
Those using Microsoft's Edge browser can simply view ER 4 in Internet Explorer mode. Those using Chrome can install the IE Tab extension. Alternatively, PC users can use Waterfox Classic. All 3 options come with Silverlight built-in. See this guide for details.
You can also add Silverlight to either Internet Explorer or Firefox Extended Support Release (version 52.9.0 or earlier). NOTE: Silverlight is no longer available from Microsoft. Please let us know if you want to install it as a browser add-on or click here.
Internet Explorer can still be downloaded from here. Firefox ESR version 52.9.0 is available from here.
We have documents on running EPPI-Reviewer 4, detailing the web browsers it is compatible with and how to enable the additional browser add-on required to use the software, available for both PCs and Macs.
NOTE: The Apple Mac guide only applies to Mac OS 10.14 (Mojave) or earlier. If you are using Mac OS 10.15 (Catalina) or Mac OS 11 (Big Sur), please use ER 6. Macs upgraded to Mac OS 10.15 or later will only run 64-bit applications and thus will not run the necessary (32-bit) Silverlight browser add-on.
(A more advanced Mac guide is available here, detailing installation of multiple versions of Firefox for those who use it for general browsing and wish to keep the latest version on the computer alongside the ESR 52.9.0 version.)
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EPPI-Reviewer 4 example systematic review (8:29)
This video looks at the example review included with your account. You are free to explore and edit the example review to learn about EPPI-Reviewer's many functions.
EPPI-Reviewer 4 demonstration review (9:08)
Focusing on a demonstration review, and how it might be set up within EPPI-Reviewer 4. It provides an overview of the many functions available and how they can help you manage your systematic review.
Easy introduction to EPPI-Reviewer 4 (3:56)
A brief introduction to EPPI-Reviewer 4, ideally used in conjunction with the "Easy introduction" in the user manual.
Importing references into your review (3:47)
Bringing references into your review, including manually creating an item, importing saved search results, running a PubMed search within EPPI-Reviewer, and maintaining your search log.
Duplicate checking in EPPI-Reviewer 4 (3:22)
Covering the basic duplicate checking functions in EPPI Reviewer 4.
Screening - Part 1: single data entry (6:55)
Normal (single-user) screening in ER4, looking at different ways of setting up a screening tool, allocating studies for screening, screening/coding the studies, and ways of managing full text retrieval.
Screening - Part 2: multiple data entry (7:11)
Double screening in ER4, showing how to allocate items for double screening and screen them, then complete agreements and reconcile disagreements. We advise watching Part 1 before watching Part 2.
How to create reference groups and allocate coding assignments in EPPI-Reviewer 4 (1:52)
This video shows you how to create groups of references in EPPI-Reviewer 4 and then how to allocate them to people to code (coding assignments).
Line by line pdf coding in EPPI-Reviewer 4 (6:21)
The line by line pdf coding directly on your uploaded pdfs within ER4! The reviewer is able to highlight relevant areas of text and assign codes to that text to help identify analytic and descriptive themes in that text. This information can then be presented using different report formats including conceptional relationship diagrams.
Running reports in EPPI-Reviewer 4 (8:21)
This video looks at the reporting functions in ER4 and how they can be used to present your categorical, textual and numeric data in a wide variety of formats. These formats include Frequency, Crosstab, Coding and Summary reports.
Creating a configurable report for analysis in Excel (8:21)
This video takes you through how to create a configurable report in EPPI-Reviewer 4 for easier analysis in Excel. It also shows you how to run reports in EPPI-Reviewer 6, that were initially created in EPPI-Reviewer 4.
EPPI-Reviewer 4 coding only interface (3:15)
This video looks at the 'Coding only' interface of ER4. The 'Coding only' interface is designed to simplify your coding tasks by using your coding allocations to direct your work in an optimised interface. It also allows true double-blind coding or screening by ensuring that the different reviewers cannot access each other's work.
Accessing EPPI-Reviewer using your Archie credentials (3:36)
This video is for Cochrane review authors who already have an Archie account but do not yet have an EPPI-Reviewer account. As part of the Cochrane CAST program Cochrane authors can now have free access to EPPI-Reviewer to work on their Cochrane reviews.
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Create/edit an EPPI-Reviewer user account (3:30)
How to create a user account (with free one month trial period) - needed to access EPPI Reviewer. You will also see how to edit your account details, should you wish to.
Purchasing EPPI-Reviewer access online (5:25)
Purchasing user account extensions to allow further usage of EPPI Reviewer and setting up shared reviews.
Inviting a user into your review (1:13)
How to invite a user into your shareable review,
Using the RIS EXPORT utility (4:41)
How to convert your search results into an RIS formatted file, ready for import into EPPI Reviewer.
(This utilty is used when you cannot find the correct import filter in EPPI-Reviewer.)
Introduction to interactive Evidence Gap Maps using EPPI-Mapper (2:01)
This video introduces you to interactive evidence gap maps using the EPPI-Mapper app, based on data extracted from EPPI-Reviewer.
Creating an interactive Evidence Gap Map using EPPI-Mapper (5:09)
This video introduces you to creating an interactive evidence gap map using the EPPI-Mapper app, based on data extracted from EPPI-Reviewer.
Click here to see our 3 playlists - covering EPPI Reviewer 6, general information (such as setting up an EPPI Reviewer account) and EPPI Reviewer 4.
You can also access our instructional videos via our
channel. Please visit www.youtube.com/user/EPPIReviewer4
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