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31/08/2016 12:44

Version is mostly a bug-fixing and performance improvement update. Some of the improvements listed below were published in real time as they didn't require an official new release. Others reached the live stage with today's release. There are also some significant updates to the Screening tab, these functionalities (most importantly, the Priority Screening mechanism, which uses machine learning to speed up the screening on title and abstract) are available on demand at no additional cost.

Performance enhancements and new features.

New feature: when getting a printout of a whole code-set structure, new options are now available, users can  choose to display also the following:
- Codes and code-set descriptions
- Code and code-set types
- Code and code-set database IDs (sometimes useful to troubleshoot).

Edit/Run Meta Analysis window, enhancement: the list of outcomes available in the review could be slow to load (when it contained hundreds of entries), it should be at least ten times faster now.

Duplicate checking, enhancement: collecting the results of a "get new duplicates" round could be annoyingly slow. In turn, this could produce a timeout, generating additional problems. The code responsible for this has been re-written to optimise for speed, making it much faster and reducing the timeout risk considerably.

Changes to the Screening tab:
All users should feel free to get in touch in case they would like to use these features or simply learn more about them. The screening tab has been enriched with some checks, a new feature, a bugfix and a layout change.
Checks: the interface will try to disable options that don't seem to make sense for the current setting, hoping to nudge people into using them sensibly. While the system still requires to carefully review the documentation, these changes should help first-time users.
New feature: by default a new "add codes automatically" option (interface only, does not get saved along with other options) is enabled by default. Changing the screening code-set will automatically re-populate the list of codes used for Machine Learning training.
Bugfix: when using the "(screen) only items with this code" option, loading up the review would generate an error. Refreshing the options would make the screening tab useable again, but this problem is now fixed.
Layout change: the "terms list" has been removed. As this list doesn't participate in Machine Learning we thought it might confuse users. The list is still available (to all users) through the "Document details" window.

Review Statistics tab: the figures in the "incomplete coding" could be very slow to load under certain circumstances. This should be much faster now.
Main Documents tab, UI change: the filter/find box in the main toolbar now says “Filter” with a tooltip, previously it was “Find:” with no tooltip. This is a cosmetic change, hopefully it will make it easier to see that the search box only filters the currently loaded page and doesn't search across all references in a review. To perform a global search within a review, the "Search" tab should be used instead.

Bug Fixes

  • When when importing a large list of items from a file, the keywords and DOI fields were dropped. This happened only if the list to be imported was long enough to require being uploaded in batches. Problem is now resolved.
  • Generate Formatted bibliography button, in the main "Documents" toolbar: this function could under some circumstances report "no items selected" and refuse to generate the bibliography. Problem is now solved.
  • Reconcile Window: the list of items to be reconciled could fail to load for some particular comparisons. This could only happen if the items involved had some codes applied from a branch of codes that had been subsequently deleted. Problem is now solved.
  • There was a problem when loading a review from the MyInfo tab. Some trace of the previously opened review remained in memory, potentially slowing down the user interface. May explain some performance issues reported in case of prolonged, intense usage. Problem is now fixed: reloading a review from the "My Info" tab gives users a 100% fresh start.
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