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06/03/2012 12:46

Hi Jeff Thanks for getting back. I have tried the RIS export pathway but it looks like all my endnote exports are empty files so this may be  END NOTE problem. But I did try this with earlier exports (not through ENDNOTE) and I still couldnt get it to work. It gave me an end tag that in fact didnt make sense and then reported some kind of error. Which is why I thouht it might be easier to search Import from END NOTE

New Post
06/03/2012 14:27

Hello Margaret,

The important thing when saving search results is to get the file in some type of 'tagged' format. This means that each piece of information in the file should be indentified by some type of prefix or tag. For example, the author information might be identified by a tag such as 'Author' or 'AU: '. This tag is normally at the beginning of the line.

Some databases will give you a number of options as to what format you can save your search results in. If the options say anything like EndNote or Reference Manager or Procite or RIS or RefWorks then it will probably be in a format that can be easily imported. You should also always go for the format that gives you the most information. Sometimes you can get an abbreviated format that is missing much of the information needed for a successful import.

If you have a search result that you are unable to import (or convert using the RIS EXPORT utility) you can send it to me and I will have a look at it for you.

Best regards,


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