Dear Conny,
I have been able to start the import operation within your review 19249.

The software and your review are both working correctly, so it may be an issue with your file.
Have you been able to upload RIS files previously? Are you using the same computer as previously? Can you send a screenshot of what you see? (Do you see your items listed, as shown in my screenshot, before you try and press the upload button?) Can you send me a copy of your RIS file to check it is valid and can be interpreted?
If you have been able to upload items previously, have your security settings changed?
If not, can you check whether your computer settings, any firewalls, and web browser allow you to upload files? (There are security settings in most browsers to allow or disallow it.)
You can email EPPI Support directly at with your screenshots and RIS file.
Kind regards,
EPPI Support