
Forum (Archive)

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New Post
24/05/2019 16:59

Hi there,


I have imported 700 references to my new eppi account and I would like to attach the pdfs to the references. Will I have to attach one by one manually or is there a cleaver way of doing it? All the pdfs are saved already, either on a folder when endnote could not retrieve them automatically, or on the endnote folders. 


Many thanks,



New Post
28/05/2019 17:16

Hello Carolina,

Unfortunately, no, there isn't a clever way to upload PDF (or full-text) documents "in bulk". All the options we've considered in the past were plagued by a hard-to-solve problem: there is no easy way (that we could find!) to feed-in a list of documents and let the system accurately assign them to the correct reference inside EPPI-Reviewer.

As you've heard, there is a plan to write a feature that will try to find the correct PDF online, a bit like EndNote does. It's a plan, at this time, meaning that we currently don't know when it will materialise, sorry.


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