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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Duplicates when listing items by sourceDuplicates when listing items by source
New Post
20/05/2011 00:10



Here’s another duplicate management question for you: After running the ‘Identify Possible Duplicates’ and going through the document groups manually, my group has eliminated 902 items from our review.  These items no longer appear when I ask Eppi to list all ‘Included’ items, which is good. 


However, my partner and I have divided our coding work by folder.  When we list documents by source, the deleted duplicates appear in the list.  They are greyed out, but can still be coded.  Is there a way to list items by source but exclude all deleted duplicates?  We can just click past them, of course, but would prefer to have them out of the way entirely. 


In addition, the ‘Shadow’ flag that the manual describes does not seem to be showing up anywhere.  Any insight you could provide into this matter is appreciated.



Ali Jones

New Post
20/05/2011 12:44

Hi Ali,

Have you considered using Work Allocations to organise your teamwork? EPPI-Reviewer is designed to help reviewers manage their work allocations and to keep track of proceedings, you can find a full description of these features in the manual, please see the "Allocating references for coding" chapter. Of course, you can just walk through the list of sources, but this is not the ideal way to proceed.

The "List" button on the sources tab gives you access to all items in a source, disregarding their flags (Included, Excluded, Deleted or Shadow), in this way there is always a way to access any item in a review. This system is intended to provide a way to locate items that have been flagged incorrectly. In particular, it is possible that users would misuse the advanced duplicate marking features and flag as duplicates too many items. Listing them by source will allow to regain access to duplicate items that should not be marked as such.

In the main documents tab you can see the items flag on the second column, all items will be marked as "I", "E", "D" or "S". You can also order each page of your item lists based on their flag: just click on the flag column header to sort your list in this way. Two clicks will order items by reverse alphabetic order, placing the "Shadow" items on top of the list.

I hope this helps,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Duplicates when listing items by sourceDuplicates when listing items by source

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