
Forum (Archive)

This forum is kept largely for historic reasons and for our latest changes announcements. (It was focused around the older EPPI Reviewer version 4.)

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New Post
29/10/2018 14:19

Dear Support Team,

I allocated a group of 294 items to be coded by another reviewer and myself (comparison coding). The other reviewer is done with all her items, while I still have 220 left, but too much other work to be done. Another reviewer says he can code some of my remaining items.

Can he open my list of items from Collaborate > Coding assignments, and start coding as if he were me? He has full access to everything. Or is it possible to reallocate some of those 220 to him?

Kind regards,


New Post
30/10/2018 18:18

Dear Hege,

I have emailed you a response so I could include full details of a suggested solution, with screenshots etc.

(You can’t directly “transfer” your allocation to another user, but we can take the items you haven’t completed, assign them to someone else, and then run a comparison report between the new person’s coding and the person you were originally comparison coding with…)

Kind regards,

EPPI Support


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