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14/03/2016 21:30

Dear ER support team,

I set up an individual account and my collaborator a shared account. Our purpose is the shareable review.

while learning how to use the software I ran searches and imported these into two separate reviews in my account,  assuming I could share the results with the shared review. I have revmoved duplicates and deleted documents that are ineligible by year in my individual reviews and don't want to have to redo this work.

Can you tell me how to import the documents from these two reviews into the shared review?If I import into the shared review from the original sources I will end up with all of the duplicates and in one case, a few thousand references that are ineligible by year.....



New Post
15/03/2016 10:02
Dear Support Team further to my query last night about exporting from individual review to shared reviews (I should have said "export" not import) this morning I am having great difficulty getting into reviews. When I try to open the review, it may or may not open and I then get error messages saying "arguments not found" and debugging resource strings are unavailable.... Can you assist? thank you
New Post
15/03/2016 10:05
Dear Support Team further to my query last night about exporting from individual review to shared reviews (I should have said "export" not import) this morning I am having great difficulty getting into reviews. When I try to open the review, it may or may not open and I then get error messages saying "arguments not found" and debugging resource strings are unavailable.... Can you assist? thank you
New Post
15/03/2016 12:26

Hello Carol-Anne,

The error messages suggest that you may be trying to access EPPI-Reviewer using the url rather than (one is https while the other is http). You want the url with just http.

I'll answer your other question in a second reply.

Best regards,



New Post
15/03/2016 13:15
thanks Jeff. I don't know if that is what was happening, my collaborator and I have managed to access the databases again prior to my seeing your message and the url reads as http. we were wondering was it some kind of communication difficulty but in any case working now.Thank-you
New Post
15/03/2016 14:13

Hello Carol-Anne

This is a reply to your original question.

You can think of a shareable review as a work area. You can then place the user accounts in that shareable review so each account is working in the same area.

If you have been importing search results into different reviews you will need to export them out of those individual reviews and into your shareable review (so everyone in your project can work on those items). You can choose what items to export out of your individual reviews and if you have already run duplicate checking in those reviews the duplicate items will not get exported.

You should list the items that you want to export so they are displayed in the 'Documents' tab. If you then select those items and click the 'Export references' icon the references will be exported as an RIS formatted text file that you can import directly back into EPPI-Reviewer.

Best regards,


New Post
15/03/2016 14:41
thanks Jeff, we've done that it worked much appreciated. I now have another query relating to comparison coding, I'll post separately so as not to confuse
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