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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...(Server) error message-cannot access review(Server) error message-cannot access review
New Post
19/03/2015 14:29


im getting following message after logging in and selecting a review:

[HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer] Arguments: NotFound Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See

Could you please help me resolve this? I have updated version of silverlight, using Safari on MAC OS X 10.10

Many thanks, Biljana

New Post
19/03/2015 14:44

Hello Biljana,

Are you getting this message every time that you log into EPPI-Reviewer? We have seen this message before and it can indicate that the application (EPPI-Reviewer) has lost contact with the program on our servers. Anytime that we have seen it happen just logging in again will normally fix the problem. You could also try restarting your browser and then logging in again.

Could you try this and let us know if it is still occuring.

Best regards,


New Post
19/03/2015 15:52

 Hello Jeff, 

many thanks for your promt reply!

I restarted browser and computer, but im still getting the same message. I can normally log into EPPI-reviewer, but when i select the review I would like to work in, im (still!) getting the message...


New Post
19/03/2015 16:03

Hello Biljana,

That is unusual behaviour. Do you get the error message before you can select the review or is it after the review loads (i.e. you can see the items listed in the Documents tab). If you get it after the items have loaded could you try clearing the message, going into the 'My info' and reloading the review from there. If you can reload the review from there and not get the message that might tell us a bit more about what could be happening.

Best regards,


New Post
19/03/2015 16:38

 Hello again, 

I get the error message after the review loads and before I see the items listed. After clicking "ok" to the message, I cannot see the items but can click and open tabs (documents, search, diagrams, etc.).

I've tried logging in from another computer (Windows) and the situation was slightly different - same error message, but i could see the items. The server error message wasn’t obstructing the EPPI-reviewer from functioning... I logged in again just now on that windows computer to try to do what you advised, but now I’m NOT getting any error message and everything seems to work fine (while the problem remains on my MacBook laptop)...

Best, Biljana

New Post
20/03/2015 10:32

Hello Biljana,

When you changed computers were you still on the same network (either wired or wireless). If so, it might indicate there is something about the network that could be responsible. If you go to an entirely different network do you still see the problem? As well, if you log into a different review do you still have the same issue?

Best regards,




New Post
23/03/2015 11:16

Hello Jeff,

After testing out your suggestions, I think it was a network problem for sure, as currently i dont have any more issues and Im connected via different (also more secure) network...

Many thanks for all the help! Biljana

New Post
15/05/2015 03:01

Hi Jeff,

I just wanted to ask for your assistance as I have experienced the exact same problem as Biljana. I have previously been able to log on and edit reviews using my home internet connection, but when I attempted to do this the other day, it did not work - I received the exact same pattern of errors as Biljana (i.e., I logged in, then selected to go into a specific review, then the error message came up before any documents were loaded). I have several reviews and this happened regardless of which review I went into.

The error doesn't happen in my workplace, but this is a problem for me as I need to be able to work on reviews at home. I wonder if there's anything you can suggest to get around this?

Best wishes,


New Post
15/05/2015 10:47

Hi Rosie,
we never found out what was the cause of Biljana's problem, so once again, we'll have to proceed by trial and error.

First, please make sure you are accessing EPPI-Reviewer from the following URL: and not (the second one starts with "https")

Second, if you can, try using a different browser. On Macs you can use Firefox and Safari, on PCs, Internet Explorer and Firefox will work with EPPI-Reviewer.

Third, if you have a second computer to try at home, please do. If the catch-all solutions above don't work, we will have to try to isolate the cause of the problem. The primary suspects are your home computer and your home network (two subdivisions: your local network within your home as opposed to your broadband connection). Thus, trying a different computer at home would tell us where to look. Also, in case you are using a laptop, you could try bringing it into work and try accessing EPPI-Reviewer through your work connection, if that works, we'd know it's your home network that is somehow interfering.

Still on the same line of reasoning, in case you are using your home connection via WiFi, it may be worth trying to connect to your broadband router directly with an ethernet cable: does the problem go away?

In all cases, please report back (here or to and let us know what you were able to try and whether it made a difference. Please also let us know more about your home computer (what type, what operative system, what browser, etc).

Many thanks and apologies for the inconvenience,


New Post
25/05/2015 03:49

Hi Sergio,

Thanks so much for your help. It turns out the URL I was accessing it from was the https rather than the http one, so when I accessed via the URL you provided above it started working normally. I'm not sure how come I started accessing it via https (it was just in my broswer history so must have done that at some point) but I'm really glad it's solved the problem.

Thanks again,


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