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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Removing Duplicates option disactivatedRemoving Duplicates option disactivated
New Post
19/11/2015 16:36

Dear ER team,

We are going through a second round of de-dup after importing references from targeted searches (excel files and manual imports).  Some groups of duplicates of this second round have the "Mark as " option disactivated and we cannot mark either of the three options. How can we deal with this to complete removing the duplicates?

Many thanks!



New Post
19/11/2015 17:53

Hi Dafni,

when members of a duplicate group are deactivated, this is a sure sign that some overlapping groups have been created. It happens when you run "get new duplicates" multiple times while adding new potential duplicates along the way.

EPPI-Reviewer provides a few ways to resolve this situation, I'll describe the two options that are used in most cases.

If the number of groups that contain disabled items is manageable, you can manually resolve each case. This is done in the following way:

1. Find a disabled item, open the "manual/advanced" tab, click "Find" and "Find related groups". The list of groups will refresh listing only the groups that overlap with the currently selected group.
2. Find the one group that contains all items which appear in the other groups. This is expected to be the newest group, identifiable by the largest group ID number.
3. Delete the older groups (usually just one, will contain less items than the newer).
4. Mark the items as needed, no item in the surviving group should now be disabled.
5. Hit "refresh" (not "Get new duplicates"!) to go back to the full list of groups. Repeat as necessary.

In case the number of relevant groups it too high, you can partially reset the duplicates information. This deletes all groups, but keeps the "mark as duplicate" information, so it doesn't force you into re-doing the checking you've already done. This option should be used after having checked all the items that can currently be marked and after making sure you won't be adding new potential duplicates anytime soon.

1. In the "manual/advanced" tab, click "Reset", type 'I agree' in the first box and click "Yes I confirm" (please do read the corresponding explanation).
2. In the main tab, click "get new duplicates".
3. When the previous step is done, proceed with checking the resulting groups normally. This time you should get fewer groups as only the ones that had disabled members should re-appear, while no overlapping groups will be present.

More information is of course in the manual.
I hope this helps,

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Removing Duplicates option disactivatedRemoving Duplicates option disactivated

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