
EPPI-Reviewer is a ‘not for profit’ service which we make available to support people doing systematic reviews. We are not a private company but rather a research unit at the Institute of Education, University of London. The fees that we charge are a contribution to our costs for infrastructure, development and support of the software.

EPPI-Reviewer fees are based on a subscription model.

User fee: £10* per month

There is a user fee of £10 per month. This fee gives the user access to the software and the ability to create and maintain an unlimited number of non-shareable reviews. A non-shareable review is a review that only has one person in it (the account holder). We believe this setup will be attractive to students or researchers on small budgets. 

Shareable review fee: £35* per month

If a user wishes to have a shareable review (a review that can have more than one user) then there is a review subscription. This fee is £35 per month per review. All users in a shareable review must have active user accounts. By having separate review and reviewer fees the review owner will have more control of the costs by only paying for reviewers as they are needed. We realize that a project might need a number of users for screening or coding but then not need them during the analysis stage. 

For example a shareable review with 3 users for 6 months would cost:
1 shareable review x £35 per month x 6 months = £210
3 user accounts x £10 per month x 6 months = £180
Total fee: £210 + £180 = £390*

*VAT (Value-Added Tax, currently charged at 20%) will be added to purchases within the UK.


Account and Review Expiration

When your user account or your shareable review expires you will be restricted to read-only access to EPPI-Reviewer. You will still be able to log into the 'EPPI-Reviewer Account Manager' if you wish to purchase further access and/or manage review membership.

All users can regain full access to EPPI-Reviewer at any time by extending (purchasing) the appropriate account and review(s).


Online purchase

Our online payment system is now operational. It can be accessed through the Account and Review manager. For an instructional video on how to use the online shop please see the video 'Purchasing EPPI-Reviewer access online' that can be found here. A list of all instructional videos can be found here.

Invoice purchase

If you prefer to use the more traditional invoice and payment method we will need a name, postal address, email and phone number of the person or organisation to send the invoice to. Please contact us at eppisupport@ucl.ac.uk with this information if you wish to purchase access in this way. The minimum invoice purchase is currently £100.

Please note that there will be a £25 surcharge applied to all invoiced purchases under £500 to cover administration costs. (If you use the online shop for smaller purchases you can avoid this surcharge.)


You may find purchasing direct support is useful if you are new to EPPI Reviewer, especially for larger projects involving multiple people - where an "onboarding" session can facilitate easy take-up and understanding of the software and review process, particularly if working to a set schedule or deadline. Please see the About support page for details.

(Note that support by email is included for all EPPI Reviewer users. We also have resources available online. See our Manuals page for details.)


Site license

For organisations carrying out multiple reviews with many users our monthly subscription model could become a challenge to administer. We now offer site licensing for these situations. 

In the site license model you specify the length of the license (normally one year), the number of shareable reviews you need and the number of users who will be working in the reviews. You have full control of the license allowing you to add and remove users from the license as required.

We have two site license models -:

  • Rolling review model

    At the end of the 12 month site license period, if you renew your site license you can keep your existing shared reviews at no additional cost. You simply pay for the number of new shared reviews you need. Alternatively, you can just keep the existing shared reviews and roll them over, paying only for the user account fees in the following year.

    This model suits people who work on longer-term projects or those who wish to keep their reviews and update them regularly, as all the reviews never expire - assuming the license is renewed. Upon renewal you will be able to edit and update all of your original reviews along with the new reviews that make up the renewal. The details may change at each renewal, but this won't affect existing reviews.
  • For the removable review model -:

    During the 12 month site license period you can move reviews in and out of your license as you wish – and thus share those reviews, up to the agreed maximum number being shared at any one time. This is useful if you work on many projects through the year and gives you flexibility over which are shared at any one time.

    At the end of the initial 12-month period, you will pay the same amount for the following year and keep the same number of available “shared review spaces”. However, if you only have a few shared reviews being actively worked on at any one time, this could lower your annual costs. Additionally it gives you flexibility over which reviews are being shared.

For enquiries on site licensing please contact us at eppisupport@ucl.ac.uk.

LMIC users

We aim to offer discounted rates to those working in Low to Middle Income countries. Please email eppisupport@ucl.ac.uk to enquire. (Click the image below for more details of the WOrld Bank's classifications of coumtries' incomes.)

Cochrane / Campbell Users

EPPI-Reviewer is part of CAST - recommended as one of Cochrane's Author Support Tools. Cochrane authors can use their Archie credentials to access EPPI Reviewer without payment. (Cochrane reviews you have access to can be opened in EPPI Reviewer via your Archie account.) Likewise, we make the platform freely available to people doing Campbell Collaboration reviews and maps. See https://training.cochrane.org/resource/eppi-reviewer for further information.

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