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04/11/2013 12:44

Version solves a long standing issue: before this update it was impossible to upload big sources, and users had to limit their imports to 3-4000 items per source. A few minor bug fixes and enhancements are also included.

New Features:

The text-based Source Import has been largely re-written. This was to allow uploading larger text files all in one go. Previously, RIS files containing more than 3000 references could fail to upload and had to be manually divided into smaller files.
The new system will detect if a source is likely to be too big and automatically send it across in smaller chunks. The main effect is that there is no need to manually subdivide large import files anymore.
There are two side effects: first, trying to load a large file that contains more than 15000 may be too taxing for the local computer, and cause EPPI-Reviewer to stop responding. If that happens, it would still be necessary to cut the text file into smaller parts. EPPI-Reviewer can't automatically protect from this kind of trouble because the maximum threshold directly depends on the processing power of the local client and the key indicators are not available to the Silverlight Plug-in.
The second side effect is that large uploads will be somewhat slower as the new system requires more information to travel back and forth (so to make sure all separate chunks are received correctly).
The "Import New" tab in "Add/Manage sources" now also highlights any error messages (in the lower left corner) and shows the progress of uploads that require more than one trip.

Bug Fixes:

There was a bug in the code-trees Copy and Paste facility. When copying intricate code-branches (in particular, code branches that have been extensively modified over time), the Paste function may fail and show an error asking to contact EPPI-Support. This bug is now solved.

Minor enhancements:

In the main screen, "Assign documents to specified codes randomly" window, now uses in-window controls to select the needed code-sets and codes. Before this update, it was necessary to click on codes and code-sets on the main tree, "below" the current window. The current system overcomes this limitation and specific code-tree selection boxes will appear depending and what is required. Note that the "Create codes below this code / set" dropdown requires a double click to confirm your selection.

In Document Details, "Edit / Create outcome", the list of Outcome Classifications now fills the full screen. The fourth drop down used to be labelled " Control" and has been renamed "Comparison", this is to follow the correct naming conventions. Some other minor layout enhancements have been applied to this window to facilitate data-entry.

In "Document Details\coding records\View"(single user report for a set) and in "Home documents\Coding Report", both reports will include tables to show the Outcome measures associated with a given item. These tables showed the outcome values with their outcome-type-dependent meanings, but they didn’t show the actual Outcome Type. A new column now shows this value to avoid confusion.

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