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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Reorganizing codes in the Tool box panelReorganizing codes in the Tool box panel
New Post
06/12/2010 14:27


I am setting up a series of codes and sub-codes and need to reorganise some of them and add in codes and move other codes to a different hierarchical level. I have tried dragging and dropping but this doesn't seem to work. Is there a proper way of reorganizing/reassigning codes please?

New Post
06/12/2010 14:58

Hello Mary,

You should be able to drag codes around within a codeset.  You will not be able to drag codes across codesets.

Are you having difficulties moving the codes around within a codeset?

Best regards,


New Post
06/12/2010 15:00

Hi Jeff

Yes I am, there's an 'error on page' message in the bottom left corner when I try.


New Post
06/12/2010 15:15

Hello Mary,

Could you tell me what error message you are seeing?

There are a couple of things that might be going on.

Have you zoomed in using your browser to make the what you see on your screen larger. We have had someone else tell us that when they had zoomed in using the browser, what they where seeing on the screen wasn’t matching what was actually on the screen (they would click on a code to move it but a different code would get moved). We think it may be related to how Silverlight and the browser is interacting (when zoom in the browser is being used)
Would this apply in your situation?

Also, could you let us know what system (PC or Mac) you are using and what browser you are using?

Best regards,




New Post
06/12/2010 16:43

Hi Jeff

zooming in on the page has sorted the reorganizing within the code set, thanks. but I still can't reorganize the heirarchy. I am using a PC and Internet Explorer. I'm also getting a message to say I can't reorganize between code sets, is that fixable?

thanks Mary

New Post
06/12/2010 21:14

Hello Mary,

At this time there isn't a way to move codes between codesets. This is something we could look at doing but there are a number of scenarios involved with this that we would need to examine but implementing it.

I'm going to contact you directly by email (away from the forum) so I can ask questions specifically about your review.


New Post
08/12/2010 11:46
Accepted Answer 

Hello Mary,

I know that you had this issue. I looked at your review and I could see more than one code at the same level having an index number of 0.

I have tried to recreate this in a test review using a multi-level codeset and dragging groups of codes to different positions in various ways but I have not been able to confuse the index number.

If someone is able to recreate this in a repeatable fashion please let us know so we can address it.

In the meantime, you can manually change the index number of a code in the properties window. Each level starts at zero and counts up. The index number should be unique at each level.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Reorganizing codes in the Tool box panelReorganizing codes in the Tool box panel

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