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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Assigning items assigned to child codes to the parent codeAssigning items assigned to child codes to the parent code
New Post
09/07/2018 15:33


My code is very hierarchical with several levels of parent and child codes.

It should be that every item that I assign to a certain child code, is automatically assigned to the parent code of that child code as well (that's what I expect out of a hierarchy). Yet EPPI seems to require me to check all the boxes from the bottom code to the top code separately. This means I have to spend extra time when the hierarchy should be doing that job itself.

Right now my solution is coding all my articles while ignoring the hierarchy and after that going through the code, listing items assigned to each child code and assigning them to the parent code one by one. With hundreds of codes this is a huge bother!

Can the process be automated in any way?

New Post
09/07/2018 18:46

Hi, Reinis.

Unfortunately there is no way to automate a process whereby the existence of coding within a child-code automatically adds some coding to the parent-code.

However, we would suggest changing your codesets so they are "normalised" (as data collected for a database would be).

Ideally, you would avoid repeating groups i.e. sets of codes repeated within various higher / parent categories e.g. in your review ID # 15703, there are many codesests under Forestry variables repeated for various types of birds. Can these be reorganised so the codesets aren't repeated, but used once - with coding entered to indicate which type of bird(s) should be associated with which Forestry variable? This would greatly reduce the number of codesets you have, which would speed up your workflow (and the program itself!)

Is there a particular review you are referring to? Can you confirm the review ID number? If you email our support address we should be able to investigate further and suggest some different ways of setting up your codesets and review, and the easiest way to work with the software.

Kind regards,

Zak Ghouze


New Post
09/07/2018 19:16

Yes, I considered this. The problem is I have articles which mention several of the bird species, so if I 1.give a variable code to an article and 2.mark the bird species that variable relates to in a separate code, 3. I won't be able to differentiate which bird the variable code refers to when I look at the coding output for that article.

I opened an earlier thread asking if it's possible to create several empty code templates per article. This stems from the fact that I'm working with articles that contain complex multivariate analyses (see PCA). This means there are often many studies (i.e. relationships between variables) per article which may easily reach into tens.

You recommended just creating a duplicate article. However, it seems in that case I will have to do some difficult post-processing to differentiate between duplicate templates and unique articles and what each duplicate means.

It would really be useful if you devised a code type which allows creating several empty templates of the same code per article. In my case, a variables template for each species (nightjar/woodlark/tree pipit) and for each category (referenced/quantified/speculated).

For now I'm imitating this by just painstakingly copying and editing my codes.

New Post
10/07/2018 11:43

Hello Reinus,

I'm going to reply to you question by email as it will be easier to include some screenshots to provide a more detailed response.

Best regards,


New Post
11/07/2018 02:33

Good afternoon Reinis,

I have devised a way for you to automate this process.

First Option:

Lets assume you have a childcode Set like this and you want to code all the citations that are coded with Child 1 or 2 or 3 as "Childcode Set."

1. Use the Search Function (See pictures below) to create a list of all your child codes

A. Click here

B. Then here

C. Then here

D. Then select your first child code

E. Then repeat the process to search for all citations with your child codes

F: You should then have a search that looks like this:

G: Select all the child Codes

H: Select "OR"

I: Click "Combine"

J: List all these citations by clicking "Select"

K: Click this button to select all the citations

L: Right click on the parent code in the codeset bar and click "Assign Selected Items to this Code"

M: Celebrate because you're done!






New Post
12/07/2018 11:48

Hello both,

William, thanks for adding some very useful ideas on how to approach this problem.

We are presently adding ‘arms’ to the data extraction process. Although this would normally be used in multi-arm drug trials it would probably also work very well in what you are trying to do.
You would be able to set each bird as an ‘arm’ in the study and then be able to code for it using the same tool.

We hope to have this availlable sometime in August.

Best regards,




HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Assigning items assigned to child codes to the parent codeAssigning items assigned to child codes to the parent code

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