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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Combining within study effect sizes for multiple measures of the same outcomeCombining within study effect sizes for multiple measures of the same outcome
New Post
30/10/2017 18:02

Is there a way to combine the effect sizes of several measures of the same outcome within a study? 

i.e. different measures of assessing level of physical activity from a questionnaire - some studies report kcal/week and mins/week. Different measures are used between studies.

I have run meta-analyses individually for individual studies with several outcome measures, which has given me the mean effect size for that study. But how do I then run a meta-analysis to pool the effect size across studies?



New Post
31/10/2017 16:13

Dear Sally,

I’m not sure if I completely understood your question, so I forwarded it to one of my colleagues who is more familiar with different meta-analysis methods. They were a bit confused as well, and were unsure what was meant by “I have run meta-analyses individually for individual studies with several outcome measures, which has given me the mean effect size for that study.“

They did say “Usually, if there are different measures of the same construct they should pick the most appropriate to combine within models. However, if they want to combine data from multiple outcomes in the same trial they need to be thinking about multivariate meta-analysis – it’s not currently possible but coming soon to ER5!”

Do let us know further details if you want more assistance or information on the matter!

Kind regards,

Zak Ghouze

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Combining within study effect sizes for multiple measures of the same outcomeCombining within study effect sizes for multiple measures of the same outcome

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