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New Post
11/09/2013 08:49

I'm aware of the issues around importing more than 4000 hits in a file but for the particular review I'm doing,  the focus is on testing search strategies. For this I needed to upload 3 embase ris files into one as a single source. Can someone guide me on how to do that on EPPI reviewer. If I let them remain like this, they would appear as 3 different sources and the flow of studies diagram would suffer. 

The other concern is that one of the 3 files is not being uploaded.Yesterday EPPI-reviewer wasn't reading it at all. so I uploaded it in Zotero and exported it as .ris again. Now it reads it but after a while it says the file is too big to upload. Its only around 3565 references and it does upload on Zotero. 
Best wishes
New Post
11/09/2013 11:29

Hi Naira (Nicole?),

I'll start with the second question: the limitation on 4000 hits is not a fixed one. What matters is how big the single import is after EPPI-Reviewer has digested it on your side; if the references have long abstracts, or happen to have a lot of comments, the total import size will be bigger than usual and it is is entirely possible that 3565 references may end up producing a too big single import. Also, the actual communication uses compression and what counts is the size after the compression, making it (even theoretically) impossible to estimate in advance when an import will fail. This is a sore point for us (significantly reduces the user-friendliness of EPPI-Reviewer) but unfortunately I have been unable to design a better mechanism (for now). For you, this means that you will need to cut the third file in two smaller fragments, I'm afraid.

As per re-unifying the sources after the import, the only way to do this is to use dedicated codes to group items per source: you could create a (single-user) code-set called "Sources" with a range of selectable codes, one per actual source (EMBASE, PsycINFO , etc.). From the Sources tab (lower left corner in the main screen) you'll be able to list all items in each source (you may also want to raise the number of items shown in one page to 4000, this is done through the "select the fields to display" button in the main Documents toolbar), select all items from one source, right click the corresponding code and and "assign selected items to this code". Do the same for all sources, and the problem should be solved. This will also allow you to create the flow charts directly from the "Diagrams" tab in EPPI-Reviewer.

One more advice: the procedure above should be done after completing the Duplicate Checking. The "Automatically mark" procedure is designed to ignore already coded items (to avoid marking as a duplicate an item that has been already coded in meaningful ways), so it is better to leave the items uncoded until after dealing with duplicates. This issue can be side-stepped by setting an appropriate threshold via "Advanced Mark automatically" so it isn't a strict requirement; still, a little caution does help.

I hope this will allow you to overcome the current obstacle.
Best wishes,

New Post
12/09/2013 07:24

Thanks so much Sergio. Unfrtunately, I am not too sure on how to reduce the size. I will try to export a txt file and paste it in notepad and then manually divide it. Will this work? I don't have access to Endnote and Zotero won't let me export it in smaller batches.

I will code them by source. This seems like the best option. Thanks for the suggestion. I actually don't want to remove duplicates as I want to see how many total hits there are per search strategy- but thanks for the heads up. Will keep in mind for next time.

Hope all is well with you.

Best wishes

Naira (I'm using Nicoles name/account as the WHO account was purchased in her name)

New Post
12/09/2013 11:59

Hello Naira,

You could split up the file in Notepad. If you wanted to split the file in half you just need to place your cursor at a spot close to half-way through the file. Then press Ctrl-Shift Home on your keyboard and everything from your cursor to the beginning of the file will be highlighted. You can then Cut and paste the highlighted text into a second file. You will now have two files, each holding about half of the original references.

You can do this as many times as necessary to subdivide the file into many files.

If the file is very large (say 20 Mb) Notepad might have difficulties loading it. In that case you might want to use a more powerful text editor such as Notepad++ ( if you are working on a PC. This is a free text editor that can handle very large files.

Best regards,


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