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HomeHomeImporting searc...Importing searc...Importing filesImporting filesImporting: how many citations/file import size?Importing: how many citations/file import size?
New Post
06/08/2013 16:17

We are trying to import an EndNote library, and have exported using the RIS format.  I have had success with this before, but now our reference list is over 7,000 citations, and the problem I am having with importing is not the RIS format.

When importing, the error message I recieve says:

"Could not save.  It is likely the file to import is too big.  Please try importing smaller amounts of data."

Is there a rule of thumb regarding either number of references or file size?   Before I break up the ENL into smaller chunks, it would be good to know what we're shooting for. is 1,000 citations too many to upload, 5,000, etc?


New Post
06/08/2013 16:29

Hello Kristyna,

I normally try to keep it under 4,000 items per import. The largest possible number will vary depending on how much data is in each reference. I imagine that if you cut the file in half you should be OK (3500 items per import).

There are a couple of ways of doing this. You can export out of EndNote in two batches or you can cut the exported file in half. If you are cutting your exported file in half, and it is very large, there are some free text editors that you can use. I would recommend using Notepad++ ( if you are working on a PC.

Best regards,


New Post
22/08/2013 22:39

 Is there any other way to do this?  Say I was to post a memory stick with a 230 Mb file containing 50,000 citations?

Or would working with it be too slow and cumbersome anyway?

New Post
23/08/2013 09:58

 Hello Jon,

Having 50,000 items in EPPI-Reviewer is not a problem. There are already reviews in the system with 10x that amount that work just fine.

Getting those 50,000 items into your review will require you to break it down into smaller pieces. If the items are already in a program such as EndNote you could export them in batches of approx. 4000 items. The number of items in a batch will be dependant on the amount of information in each reference. If it is already in a single file you could break it down into smaller pieces using a text editor such as Notepad++ (That is what I would do).

If breaking down the file is going to be a problem we can help you out. You could send it to us or perhaps use a utiltiy such as dropbox and give us access to it. A 250 mb file will be too large to email.

Please let me know how you would like to proceed.

Best regards,

Jeff Brunton


HomeHomeImporting searc...Importing searc...Importing filesImporting filesImporting: how many citations/file import size?Importing: how many citations/file import size?

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