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New Post
06/09/2013 11:55


I've set up a coding tool in my example non-sharable review and would now like to copy it to a review that I am working on but am not the owner of. When I follow the instructions given on p. 39-40 of the user manual, it seems I am not able to copy codesets to this other review.

What do I do?

Is there a function so that the review owner can give me the necessary access rights?

best regards,



New Post
06/09/2013 12:46

Dear Celie,

thanks for posting this, I now realise that our documentation should include more details on who can copy codesets. The needed access rights are "administrative rights", these are normally given only to the review owner, but can be assigned to any review member upon request. They can also be easily revoked, in case they are only needed for a single intervention such as your current situation.

All I will need is a written request from the review owner (Maia) and I will be able to give you the additional rights in a matter of a few clicks. The authorisation can be provided here in the forum, but an email will probably be more appropriate.

Thanks and best wishes,


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