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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Managing closed and open databasesManaging closed and open databases
New Post
22/08/2013 10:36

 In the search process, We got approx. 2000 studies from open databases and 9000 studies from closed databases. As EPPI does not support all open formats to import, do we require screening the studies manually (i.e. outside EPPI). Having applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we can manually enter the selected studies in EPPI and remove duplicates thereafter. Is it the right procedure? 

And can we upload pdf files in EPPI?

New Post
23/08/2013 10:06

 Hello Kanika,

I am not sure what you mean by closed databases. Do you mean that you cannot export the items out of the database? If you can export the items from the open or closed databases in any sort of tagged format then we probably have an import filter that will convert it into RIS format using the RIS EXPORT utility (that you can find on the 'EPPI-Reviewer 4 gateway'). This utility has access to hundreds of import filters. If the filter you need does not exist, just let us know and we can quickly create one. Once the file is in RIS format it can be easily imported into EPPI-Reviewer.

There shouldn't be any reason to screen the items outside of EPPI-Reviewer if you can save your search results in a tagged format.

To upload a pdf you just need to 'Go' into that item through the Documents tab where you will find an Upload button near the bottom of the 'Document details' window. Clicking on the button will allow you to upload your pdf.

Best regards,



HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Managing closed and open databasesManaging closed and open databases

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