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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Sub-group analysisSub-group analysis
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05/08/2013 14:58
For the purpose of sub-group analysis, we want to create meta-analyses based on the classifications that we have checked for each study in the outcomes. The classifications define the details of the study, e.g. differences of the sample. Is it possible to create a meta-analysis based on these classification in the “Setup meta-analysis” window? The outcomes and interventions can be chosen in the boxes, but is there a way to choose classifications, so that only relevant studies appear in the checklist? No studies appear when using the “Code filter”, if the classifications from the code set is chosen. Is there a way we can achieve, what we are trying to do? A way in which the classifications can be used to list the relevant studies, so that a meta-analysis over that specific classification can be created? Or is there another way to create sub-group analyses based on the classifications? Best regards, Julie
New Post
06/08/2013 12:51

Hello Julie,

You have identified a problem with the output filtering routine that meant the selection of an outcome classification was being ignored.

We have made a change to this routine and it should be filtering correctly now. We also plan on making some alterations to the interface of the 'Setup meta-analysis' window related to this change but that will have to wait until our next publish.

Thank you for making us aware of this problem.

Best regards,


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