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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Not able to upload pdf-filesNot able to upload pdf-files
New Post
16/06/2013 13:06

Dear EPPI-people,

EPPI will not allow us to upload documents in our review, and we cannot figure out why. We are told to contact you.

Hope you can help us :-)

Best regards,


New Post
17/06/2013 10:55

Hello Julie,

There was a problem yesterday with uploading pdfs into EPPI-Reviewer. We have now fixed this so it should be working correctly again.

Best regards,


New Post
03/10/2013 13:58

Hi Jeff,

I am having the same problem today with uploading PDFs into EPPI-Reviewer - when I attempt to do this it gives me a message saying Contact Support. Is there a reason why this is happening or will it right itself later?

Many thanks,


New Post
03/10/2013 14:14

Hello  Jennifer,

I just tried uploading a pdf and was able to do so successfully so I believe the upload functionality is working. Perhaps the issue is with the pdf that you have. If you wish you can send the pdf to and we can have a look at it.

Best regards,



New Post
21/11/2013 12:00

 Hi Jeff,

I'm having a similar problem today - pdfs seem to upload without a problem, I can get the text from them when I click on 'Go!' but clicking on the 'View PDF' button or 'PDF' tab leads to a blank screen. Is this a temporary problem or something with my pdf/computer? I'd much rather keep pdfs in their native format when coding rather than working off extracted text. 




New Post
21/11/2013 14:47

Hi Fred,

the problem you describe is usually related to Google Chrome, for some reason, sometimes Chrome appears to disagree with the PDF viewer. The solutions is to use an other browser: Internet Explorer, FireFox and Safari do not have any issue with PDFs.

I hope this helps, I am assuming that the problem applies to all PDFs. It's also worth noting that some PDFs may not display correctly in the internal viewer, this is rare but it does happen, and can't be solved in a definitive way. Sometimes it will be possible to re-create the PDF and solve the problem in this way, but it's a trial and error process that has to be done on a per PDF basis.


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Not able to upload pdf-filesNot able to upload pdf-files

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