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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Saving TroublesSaving Troubles
New Post
05/06/2013 13:36


Just today I've started to notice that there are saving troubles on my EPPI. When I am coding through different research articles a message pops up saying that my work has not been saving.


When I am finished with coding one research article and press Save, it takes quite long and then gives me the message that my work may not be saving properly.




New Post
05/06/2013 15:54

Hello Abdul,

That is not a message that we see very often. It can occur if the user's internet connection is intermittent and the program is losing contact with our servers. Would this apply in your situation?

When you mention pressing 'Save' are you talking about the Save when you have the 'Info' box open or do you mean the 'Save' (and the 'Save and close') option that you can see above the citation in the Document details window. The 'Save' (and the 'Save and close') option above the citation is just for saving any edits you have made to the citation; they are not related to any codes you may have selected. Code selection is saved automatically.

Pressing either Save options should not take long to complete (or cause an error message) unless there is a faulty internet connection. Is it slow every time you press Save?

Best regards,



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