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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Included articles and exclude articles!  Included articles and exclude articles!
New Post
22/05/2013 22:03

There is an issue with the articles that are excluded, some of them should be included but are excluded! I need to manually change the articles from excluded to included myself.

Thank you, 



New Post
23/05/2013 11:41

Hello Hargurinder,

I'm assuming you are referring to the 'I' (Include) and 'E' (Exclude) flags that you can assign to an item. These flags are not tied to any particular coding tool. Whether a reviewer marks an item as 'I' or 'E' could depend on a number of different judgements spanning many different coding tools.

The 'I'' and 'E' flags can be used as an information management tool. For example, a user may have many thousands of items that require screening. The process of screening might narrow the number of items for further coding to hundreds and further coding might reduce the number of items to dozens. The user can dynamically change what items are assigned the 'I' and 'E' flags so they only need to see the items they are presently working with.

To change which flag is assigned to an item you should select the item in the 'Documents' tab, click the 'assign documents to be excluded or included' icon and then follow the directions in the 'assign documents' window that will appear.

Best regards,




New Post
23/05/2013 15:15

Once me and my co-worker got through the first screening, I wanted to remove the questions that had "no" answered to them, so I excluded those that had "no" within each question, however, doing so also exluded some that were answered with "yes" and "unclear" for specfic questions! What is the soluation to this, right now I'm manually going through the excluded list and assigning Included to those that have yes or unclear and no "NOs" as an answer to the questions. 





New Post
23/05/2013 15:44

Hello Hagurinder,

I just had a look at your review so I can understand what you are describing.

Because your screening tool is set up as a number of questions with possible answers (yes, no unclear) there isn't a single code that indicates whether your item is excluded or included. You would need to look at the response to each question to get an overall decision. This is why we normally recommend have your screening tool set up as a number of exclude and include codes in one level of hierarchy so you can easily determine an items status based on a single code.

In your situation you will need to work through each item to determine the items status. You might be able to do this by running searches and combining the different searches through boolean logic.

You could also use the 'Live comparison' function in the 'Document details' window to see all of the code selections but because the screening tool has multiple levels of hierarchy you will still need to open each question to see the different responses.

I noticed a secondary issue in your screeing tool. It appears that you have placed some allocation codes within your screening tool. I don't know if you are using those allocation codes but it is normally best to place them in an Allocation codeset. This will avoid the issue of the allocation codes marking the items as 'complete' before any coding has taken place.

Perhaps you have already done this, but if not, you might wish to have a look at the screening videos on our YouTube channel ( The videos ‘Screening – Part 1: single data entry’ and ‘Screening – Part 2: multiple data entry’ will take you through the process of setting up your screening tools, creating work assignments and how to carry out single and double coding. It will also suggest ways to set up the tools to avoid difficult situations.

Best regards,



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