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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Multiple reviewers for one systematic review: coding Multiple reviewers for one systematic review: coding
New Post
09/05/2013 21:15



I am working on a systematic review. The first thing I did was import every article. I then answered all of the codes I had created, such as, "Does this study look exclusively at adults" for example. I then finished answering all of the codes I had created to organize the papers. Then I found out I had to have a second reviewer. We both purchased shareable accounts. I then invited her to my review. When she opened my review from her account, she saw that all of my answers were there. When she changed any of the answers, it changed them in my login. What should we do in order that she has a clean copy with no answered codes, and when she does answer then, they don't effect mine, so we can later create a comparison?

I also noticed that when she did make those changed and we clicked on create comparison, it said that I had coded 0 documents.

At this point I am just so unsure of how we are both supposed to answer the questions and compare. Help would be greatly appreciated.



New Post
10/05/2013 10:25

Hello Ella,

When you coded your items the codeset that you were using was probably set for 'single data entry'. This means that when you apply a code to an item, the coding will automatically get marked as 'complete'. 'Completed' coding is available to programs searching and reporting functions and is what everyone will see if they look at an item's coding.

This is the coding that the second reviewer is seeing (i.e. your coding). For the second reviewer not to see your coding you must do a couple of things. The first is to 'un-complete' your coding. This can be done either on an item-by-item basis (in the document details window) or in bulk (in the review statistics tab). Once the coding is 'uncomplete' you should then change your codeset to 'multiple data entry'. When a codeset is set for 'multiple data entry' applying a code to an item will not automatically mark the item as 'complete'. Under 'multiple data entry' the expectation is that more than one person will be applying codes to the same item and that the different coders will need to reconcile their disagreements before 'completing' the item's coding.

I would recommend having a look at two videos 'Screening part 1: single data entry' and 'Screening part 2: multiple data entry' that you can find on our YouTube channel ( These videos will explain the coding process for both single and multiple data entry including how to 'complete' your agreements and 'reconcile and complete' your disagreements.

Best regards,


New Post
13/05/2013 17:54

Hello Jeff,

I have now:

-set my level 1 screening to multiple data entries (double screening)

-Created an allocation group called all items

-Assigned all items to myself and the person who will be screening for quality assurance purposes

Now I am wondering how to change each article to incomplete, and what this will mean for all the work I have done. Will it mean I have to re answer each code, or will it simply make each article incomplete and leave my answers, but make all the answers blank for the person who is double screening? 



New Post
14/05/2013 10:46

Hello Ella,

I just had a quick look at your review and it appears that all of your coding is now set as 'incomplete'. I will assume you have figured out how change an items coding from 'complete' to 'incomplete'.

For the benefit of any other readers of this thread, marking an item's coding as 'incomplete' will not delete your work. It just means that the coding will not be available to the programs searching and reporting functions. If you also change the codeset to multiple data entry the other coder will not see your work.

I noticed that your allocation codeset is set for 'multiple data entry'. I would suggest changing that back to 'single data entry'. The only reason you should have a codeset set for 'multiple data entry' is if you are planning on 'double coding' using that codeset. The allocation codeset is just used for identifying the items that will make up you work allocations and is not used for double coding (whereas the screening codeset is used for double coding).

Best regards,


New Post
05/07/2013 19:28

Hello Jeff,

I was wondering if there is a way of highlighting key words in an abtract so that when my second reviewer goes to answer, he can see why I chose to answer it in the way that I did.





New Post
08/07/2013 12:38

Hello Ella,

At the present time it is not possible to have highlighted words in the abstract but this is a frequently requested feature. We have placed It high on our to-do list and we hope to have it available in the near future.

Best regards,



New Post
09/07/2013 20:41

Hello again Jeff,

There seems to be a glitch with my account. When I right click on code sets and click 'list all items with this code' nothing comes up when I know for a fact that every article should be listed under yes for most of my lvl-2 screening questions. I have tried changing lvl 2 to complete, but it is not working. I need to delete the articles that are listed as 'No' before I can move on. Help would be greatly apreciated,




New Post
10/07/2013 01:54
I actually figured it out, thanks!
HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Multiple reviewers for one systematic review: coding Multiple reviewers for one systematic review: coding

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