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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Allocating all items into a child codeAllocating all items into a child code
New Post
11/02/2013 00:45

So, Im trying to allocate my articles within 1 code, its working but out of the 1106 articles im trying to allocate only 819 are being put in! I'm doing this by selecting all 1106 articles and assigning the selected items to the child code I would like.

If you could help resolve this, it would be wonderful.



New Post
11/02/2013 11:00

Hello Hargurinder,

I just had a quick glance at your review and it looks like you now have your 1106 items allocated. Can I assume that you have sorted out this problem?

I suspect the reason that you had a problem originally is because your allocation codeset is setup for multiple data entry. You probably want to change this codeset back to single data entry. You aren't double coding with the allocation codset, it is just used to identify the items that make up your allocation. It appears that you are double coding using you screening codeset which you have, correctly, set up for multiple data entry.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Allocating all items into a child codeAllocating all items into a child code

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