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New Post
20/11/2012 11:49

We are experiencing an issue with duplicate screening of papers. When my colleague (Alexis Llewellyn) & I are both logged on to EPPI and working on the ETD review we can see comments in the box at the bottom of the page when screening which appear to indicate the other reviewer's decision on a paper . eg in record 8266084 we can see "Not adults or ETD diagnosis" which would correspond to a decision to reject the paper as not being in the relevant population. When only one of us is logged in these are not visible. We are concerned as to the source of this and worry that it impacts on the independence of our decisions. Any insights welcomed.

best wishes

Gill & Alexis


New Post
20/11/2012 12:19

Hello Gill,

If you are seeing everyones responses at the bottom of the Document details window then it sounds like you activated 'Live comparison'. This is done in the 'Coding record' tab of the 'Document details' window. You remove the live comparison by clicking on the Close button in the 'Live comparison' panel.

If you want to have true double blind coding you could use the 'Coding only' mode when accessing your review. This mode was introduced in our last update. In coding only mode the reviewer works in a optimized interface and only sees the items that have been assigned to them. In this mode it is not possible to use Live comparison or Run comparison. You can enter the review in coding only mode by clicking on the coding only icon in the list of reviews. The coding only icon is to the right of the review name. If you wish you can assign the coding only mode to one of your reviewers. Once this role is assigned the only way they can enter the review is through the coding only interface.

Instructions on using the Coding only mode can be found in the user manual under 'Coding only interface'. There is also a video showing how the use the coding only interface on our YouTube channel (

Best regards,



New Post
20/11/2012 13:11

thanks for this helpful response



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