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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Text mining screening prioritization listText mining screening prioritization list
New Post
19/10/2012 16:45


I have previously been in touch with you regarding the text mining function of Eppi-Reviewer and the problems I have encountered while trying to apply it to our systematic reviews. First I would like to inform you that 86% of the references that were included in a certain systematic review could be found among the top 1000(of approximately 5000) references of the screening prioritization list which was generated from a selection of references. We would like to test whether this percentage is consistent throughout other systematic reviews that we produce in-house. So I'm going to start using my account again.

My question to you is whether there is an easy way to number the references in the prioritization list once you have exported it as a  txt-file. I need to trace where the references that are included in the systematic review end up in the prioritization list (which ranking number they have)  and at the moment I cannot on my own figure out an easy way to do it.

Thanks for your help in advance!



New Post
19/10/2012 21:32

Hi Derya,

We currently have a Medical Research Council funded research project which is investigating just this issue (and looking at the optimum ways of using this sort of technology in screening). If you would like to collaborate, and have us run some simulation studies on data from past reviews, please do get in touch with me.

If you just want to look to see how many 'includes' appear in the first 1000 of a 'find more like this' list, this is how to do it:

  1. Create a code with all your 'includes' in (you probably have this already).
  2. Click the 'Select the fields you want to display...' button (which is next to the binoculars on the main screen) and change the number of 'rows' (items to appear in the list ) to 1000.
  3. Use the blue '+' (find more documents like the ones listed') button to get an ordered list of potential includes (I'm sure you are used to this already).
  4. Create a temporary code called (e.g.) 'top 1000'.
  5. Select all items listed, right-click your temporary code and select 'assign selected items to this code'
  6. Go to the 'search' tab
  7. Carry out a search for the items with the 'top 1000' code
  8. Carry out a search for the items marked as 'includes'
  9. Select both searches and combine them using AND

Hope this helps - but let me know if you'd like to work with us on this.

Best wishes, James.

New Post
19/10/2012 21:43

Hi Derya,

Sorry - I've realised I didn't answer your question about getting an ordered list. If you do step 2 above and set the number of rows displayed to 1000 and use the blue + as usual, the export will export the items in the order presented. (Just select all and click 'export'.) You might need to do a bit of scripting at your end, depending on what software you are going to use, but you'll have them in the correct order, so you can add your own ranking number.


New Post
05/11/2012 14:44

Hi James,

Sorry for not coming back to you sooner. Things became very hectic here after sending you the mail. I did not try your suggestion for ranking but I also found another way of assigning ranking numbers to the references in the prioritisation list. Once you export the list from Eppi-reviewer as a txt-file you can import it into the Endnote reference manager and the record number for each reference corresponds to the ranking number from the imported list. I found this pretty neat and easy to use.

You also suggested some kind of collaboration in evaluationg the "screening prioritization list function" in Eppi-reviewer (if I did not misundertand). Would you like to explain more in detail  what would be expected from us and what we would gain so that I could share this information with my colleagues and supervisors. You could do it either here or send a mail to

Best wishes,


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