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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...error message on error message on 'code selected text'
New Post
19/09/2012 15:49


I am getting an error message when clicking on 'code selected text' (having selected text first): data portal.update failed (SystemInvalid CastException. Specified Cast is not valid) etc.

It's occurs with only 2 codes, both child codes of another code ('Boundaries' and 'Enhance staff role' children of 'Different Role to Staff'). I am able to code text with other codes with no problem.

Do you have any ideas how I can fix it, please?

Many thanks

New Post
19/09/2012 18:15

Dear Rachel,

I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing some problems. What you describe sounds like a bug: I will have to investigate more to find out why it happens. To get me started, I have a few questions for you:

1) Is it all right for me to look directly into your review? This is likely to be necessary in order to isolate the issue.

2) Does this always happen with the 'Boundaries' and 'Enhance staff role' codes or does it depend on other circumstances as well? It may depend on the specific document you are coding, but it is more likely to depend on what text you have selected.

3) Is it repeatable? Does it happen each time you try to do the same thing or does the problem come and go? I very much hope it is repeatable, otherwise I might struggle to find the cause.

4) Assuming it's repeatable, would you be able to provide precise details on how to cause the error? This would help me most.

Many thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.


New Post
20/09/2012 12:35

Hi Sergio

Thanks for getting back so quickly - answers to your questions below:

1) Yes, fine to look at the review

2-4) I've tried coding with 'Boundaries' and 'Enhance staff role' this morning and both seem fine. The piece of text I was coding yesterday had previously been coded with another code. I used the 'uncode' function and then tried to recode with 'Boundaries' and produced the error message. After this, coding with both Bounaries and Enhance staff role caused the error.

I've noticed that if you uncode a particular code, removing all instances in a document, the document (ie item) still appears on the 'Report: Show all text coded with this code' function, and the check box for the code is still ticked. Maybe this is linked to my problem?

Unfortunately, I don't have my notes with me today so I can't try to recreate the problem exactly as I don't remember which portion of text I initially caused the problem. I will have another go tomorrow to try to recreate it and let you know how I get on.

Many thanks, Rachel.

 ps have just had another instance of this error:

In item Harris1991 – clicked on the code ‘Examples of what they do’ to highlight all examples of this code in this document (item). I found the text ‘We're companions for older people who aren't going to die tomorrow and we don't want them to die alone.’ I wanted to code it ‘Being there’ (a child code of ‘Examples of what they do’). I didn’t uncode it, as in the previous example of my experiencing this problem as I wanted it in to have both codes, but experienced the error message when trying to code it 'Being there'.
New Post
20/09/2012 15:45

Thank you Rachel,

I will now log on your review now and have a closer look, I will be adding some coding for my tests and will make sure I will clear up everything I did before I leave. Will let you know my findings as I go along.


New Post
20/09/2012 17:13

Thanks - should I have logged out? I've been working  on the review this afternoon.

BTW, i now have another problem:

I've coded some text in Jack2011 using the code 'Generosity' (child code in 'nature of the role') but when I click on 'Report: all text coded with this code' for 'generosity' I get some random text:

Characters: 24946 to 25251
duced data
Stage 4: Analysis
Complete cross case and case analysis of the data
Identify any emerging themes and patterns
Return to original complete narrative to ensure a completeness of data
Conclusion – draw up significant themes and patterns
Figure 3. Framework for the analysis (adapted from Pa

Characters: 25052 to 25053

Characters: 25273 to 25403
, Polit and Beck
, Miles and Huberman
and Collaizzi
Jack et al. 711

Instead of:

The generosity of the CVWs in giving patients food
and even clothes was also reported by several patients.
This act of giving was noted by the CVWs:
‘I did not have money to buy any food, the volunteer
gave me money, even prepared food for me to eat – at
the next visit she brought me a skirt and blouse’

‘If I find any one who has no food, when you have
yours you share it because he is alone’ (Community
Volunteer Worker 4, Kampala)


Which corrently shows up in yellow highlight when I click 'Show all text coded with this code'.



New Post
20/09/2012 18:13

Hi Rachel,
Re "should I have logged out?", no, that's fine. EPPI-Reviewer allows for concurrent usage, making it safe for both of us to work on the same review.

Re your original problem. I did plenty of attempts to recreate it, and could trigger the same error in one instance: unfortunately, all my efforts to isolate the causes were unsuccessful. The good news is that I have a very clear idea of what happens when the problem occurs, and therefore I can provide some (preliminary) help.
1) This has nothing to do with what code you are trying to apply: as you have found out, it may occur with different codes. It is completely unrelated to what other codes you have applied to the same text, and it is also not related to what text your want to code. What is happening is that your local application "forgets" some of the information it holds and as a result it sends the wrong command to our server when you click "Code selected Text".
2) You can quickly workaround this issue, whenever it happens. Please navigate to the next or previous item ("Previous / Next" buttons in "citation details"), return back to the item you were working on and re-open the "Text Document" ("Go!" button under "Files", "View text" column). This will be enough to reload the "forgotten" information and allow you to keep working normally until the error appears again.
3) I can easily prevent the error to be raised, but only in a retroactive way: I can change what happens on our server, so that even if the information went missing on the local client (what you see in the browser), the server will not get confused by the inconsistency and make sure that the missing information is re-transmitted back to your side. However, I will not apply this solution straight away. This is because I would be "hiding" the real problem, and make it much harder to understand why the information got lost. In other words, I would be fixing the symptom, but not the cause.
In the next days, I'll try to isolate the cause in a more systematic way, I will not use your review, so feel free to work  normally. If also these attempts will fail, I'll apply the "symptomatic" cure, as it is still better than no cure at all.

Re your second problem:
I have verified that I can see it as described, and I can also re-create it. I have re-coded ("uncode selected text" and "code selected text") for the two genuine passages that you already coded. The resulting report still shows the wrong text, but a clear pattern emerges: the (wrong) text in the report is just before the genuine selection. The good news here is that this does appear to be a bug, but a well-behaved one: I can work on it, and I don't think it will be too difficult to solve it. Please ignore this problem for the next days, it appears to be document-specific and I do expect to be able to fix it soon enough.

I am sorry for the trouble you're experiencing and thank you so much for your patience and collaboration.

New Post
21/09/2012 09:56

 Hi Sergio

No problem - glad it could be sorted. I'll give the workround a go. 

Thanks for all your efforts.

Best wishes



New Post
26/09/2012 16:09

Hi Rachel,

sorry for the delay.

I have now finished dealing with the second, "well-behaved", bug. The issue happened with some very rare documents (less than one in 1000, according to my rough estimation) that due to their unusual characteristics created the problem you've seen in coded-text reports. This is now fixed and should not happen again in the future.

I still have to identify the cause of the first bug you've experienced: it is an elusive little fellow and I didn't have time enough to hunt for it in a methodical way. Have you experienced the same kind of error in the last few days? After my initial (partial) success, all my other attempts to recreate the issue failed, so I'm starting to think that I will have to opt for the symptomatic cure.

Will keep you updated.



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