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14/09/2012 10:53

Hi there,

I've run a duplicate check on my articles and although most I can mark as duplicate/not a duplicate, there is a group of articles that are shaded light grey and therefore nothing can be selected for these articles and they therefore can not be marked as completed.

Is there a reason for this?


New Post
14/09/2012 12:08

Hello Ella,

If you see greyed out items the most likely reason is that you have overlapping duplicate groups.

When 'Get new duplicates' is run multiple times due to new items entering the review it is possible that overlapping duplicate groups are created. This means that the same item may appear in multiple groups. Since the master item is chosen automatically when Get new duplicates is run, new and larger versions of existing groups may appear.

An overlap group can be identified as it will normally contain a greyed out group member (meaning the 'A duplicate', 'Not a duplicate' and 'Mark as Master' are greyed out). This means that this item is either 1) marked as a master in a different group or 2) is already marked as a duplicate in a different group.

You can find details on how to deal with this in the user manual under 'Managing duplicate documents' -> 'Overlapping duplicate groups' (pg 27) but I can describe it to you here.

The best way to deal with overlapping groups is to:
1. Select the group with the greyed out items from the list of groups on the left
2. Go to the Manual/Advanced tab and use the ‘find related groups’ function to identify the overlapping groups. (This function is described in the manual just before this section).
3. Among the related list of overlapping groups, there should be one group that contains all of the items found in the other related groups. This will normally be one of the related groups with the highest Group ID number (the most recently created group). You can examine the items in each group to confirm this.
4. Delete all of the other related groups. This is done by selecting the group to delete over on the left and clicking on the trash can icon (labelled Delete the current group).
5. You should now just have a single group of duplicates rather than overlapping groups.

Best regards,

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