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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...sensitivity index for managing duplicatesensitivity index for managing duplicate
New Post
10/09/2012 18:42

Hi I want to adjust the sensitivity index (I understand its a risk, but an an earlier reveiw all bar one group was actually the same paper and it took hours and hours to check) When I go into advanced and change the index to 0.90, then check automatic mark the system appears to start marking but eventually times out with no duplicates groups identified. What am I doing wrong ?


New Post
11/09/2012 11:02

Hello Margaret,

Could I ask which of your reviews you are having this issue with? I had a look at both of your reviews (your earlier review and your most recent review).

For your earlier review, all of your duplicate groups (these are the groups listed on the left side of the 'Manage duplicate groups' window) are already marked as complete so changing the theshold and running Mark Automatically will not do anything further.

For your most recent review there are no duplicate groups listed in the 'Manage duplicate groups' window. Before you can change the threshold and run 'Mark Automatically' you will need to run the 'Get new duplicates' function. When you click on that button the system will go through all of the items in your review, group together the items that it thinks are similar and apply a similarity score to them. Once those groups are created then you can run 'Mark Automatically' and adjust the threshold as appropriate.

Best regards,


New Post
11/09/2012 17:41

Thanks Jeff. It is the second reveiw as Ive abandoned the first. Ill try what you suggest. I think I was leaving out a step


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...sensitivity index for managing duplicatesensitivity index for managing duplicate

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