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New Post
20/08/2012 14:30

Hello team,

I've been using Eppi for a few months. Since a few weeks, I keep getting plugin errors when I'm working with Eppi. After each error I have to login again which is frustrating. 

 I restarted my Browser & Mac and have the latest updates installed. Didn't help.

Please help me.

 NB: I use OSX + safari (Chrome doesn't work anymore since the latest Silverlight update).


New Post
20/08/2012 15:48

Hello Tom,

I wouldn't expect it to be crashing using OSX and Safari. We have many users with that combination. Does it happen more often when you are carrying out a particular operation?

If you let me know the version of OSX and Safari you are using i could try to recreate this on one of our setups here.

Best regards,


New Post
20/08/2012 16:24

Dear Jeff,

Thank you for your quick reply. I use Safari 6.0 (8536.25) & OSX 10.8.

It (mostly) happens when I use the INFO button to add information.





New Post
20/08/2012 17:45

Hello Tom,

I will try to recreate what you are seeing and let you know what I come up with.

Best regards,


New Post
21/08/2012 16:33

Hello Tom,

I have been running a few tests on a Mac laptop and and the 'Safari, OS X, Silverlight' combination seems to be OK for me. I have the same version of Safari and Silverlight as you. My OS X is a bit older but that shouldn't make a difference (I am trying to get the latest version of OS X so I will have an exact match).

When it crashes, are you cutting and pasting information into the Info box? I'm just wondering if the data that you are pasting in might have some unusual characters in it that could be causing the problem. If you think you could recreate the problem or have some text that seems to cause problem, it would help us make a better diagnosis.

As for Chrome and OS X, it is not a combination that Microsoft Silverlight supports. If you look under System Requirements at you can see the supported configurations.

Best regards,



New Post
21/08/2012 21:37

Dear Jeff,

Thanks again for your assistance. I think you're right! I tried to paste information (from PDF) into the INFO box and then I got the plugin error. I will try to recreate it and I will share the details. 

Will get back to you soon.


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