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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...coded by mistakecoded by mistake
New Post
31/07/2012 14:38


while applying screening criteria, i coded an article with two child codes (both "include by title&abstract" and "exclude") by mistake. When i click to the wrong code to un-select it, I am getting message that this action will remove the entire code with all the associated outcome data. I assume it would remove coding from ALL the articles coded by this particular code(?).

So, could you please let me know how can I correct my coding?

Thank you!

New Post
31/07/2012 14:45

Hello Biljana,

The message is saying that along with removing that code from that particular item it will also remove any numeric outcome data that may have been entered with that code (for that item). It is not going to remove that code from other items; just the item you are working with.

Best regards,


New Post
31/07/2012 15:09

 Thank you very much for clarification! Best, Biljana

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