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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...'Run Comparison' Error
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25/04/2012 17:48

*Please disregard - problem resolved!*  (For anyone suffering a similar problem, this seemed to be related to my browser's security settings and pop-up blocker).



I have been trying to compare the coding of two reviewers, and get an error message when I try to run the report.  The error message reads as follows:

Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See

The review is titled eHIP Evaluation_2012-04-09, and I would like to compare coding for the 'Screening Criteria' code set.  I'm not sure if ithis is EPPI or a broswer problem; I'll try some things on my end, but we are on a very tight schedule and would really appreciate your guidance on this.




New Post
25/04/2012 18:33

Hello Ali,

It sounds like you have come up with a solution.

If there are specifics about your browser security settings (i.e. what you needed to change) and you wish to share them please let us know as others might find the information helpful.

Best regards,


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