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New Post
04/02/2013 12:25

Hello Nada,

I have sent you that document.

Most of this is now in the user manual but I had intended to make an instructional video. Your message has helped to remind me that I have yet to do that (so it has been moved back up my todo list).

Best regards,


New Post
22/02/2013 21:45

 I wonder if I could get that document, too, Jeff. I have looked in the updated manual but wasn't able to find it.

Thanks so much,


New Post
27/01/2014 09:18

Hi Jeff

Could you please also send me the ‘Independent multi-user data extraction’.




New Post
27/01/2014 12:10

Hello Barbara,

As mentioned in an earlier reply, this information has now been incorporated in the user manual but I can still send it to your email address.

Best regards,


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