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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...importing keywording toolimporting keywording tool
New Post
31/10/2016 22:28

Dear EPPI centre

I've seen the keywording strategy 0.9.7 as a pdf. Is it possible to download this as a codeset into a review, or do I need to create this codeset manually?


Martin Armer 

New Post
08/11/2016 10:34

Hello Martin,

My apologies for the slow reply.

Are you talking about the 'EPPI-Centre Keywording Strategy for classifying education research version 0.9.7' keywording tool?

I ran a search through all of the coding tools in the database it is doesn't appear that we ever brought that one over from 'EPPI-Reviewer 3' (were it was orginally created) to 'EPPI-Reviewer 4'. I suspect the reason was that it was so old that we didn't need it.

If you think that you may still need it I can look into having it exported from EPPI-Reviewer 3 to EPPI-Reviewer 4. I have/had a script that could transfer coding tools to EPPI-Reviewer 4 (although I will first need to find it as I haven't used it for a few years).

Best regards,



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