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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Comparison coding, number screenedComparison coding, number screened
New Post
29/09/2016 22:14


I have a 2nd reviewer (Ketevan) who has recently screened 650 assigned items. I can see in the collaboration tab that she was allocated 650 and started 650 and has 0 remaining (just like me). However, when I run a comparison coding report it shows that she has only coded 452. What happened to those other 198 items? Is this a fault of the software or is it possible that she did not correctly code these for some reason (didn't click on exclude/include)? We were going to reconcile our disagreements in a meeting on 30th Sept at 11am. Not sure if you can respond before then... (Appreciate you probably can't).

This is in relation to review 8196.



New Post
03/10/2016 16:13

Hello Helen

This comparison numbers would suggest that the comparison was created after some (650 - 452 = 198) of the 650 items were marked as complete.

When the comparison statistics are calculated any items whose coding is already marked as 'complete' will show as 'agreed' rather than with the individual. You would see this if you ran a 'Quick' report just after you created your comparison (and before you marked any further items as complete). In the 'Quick' report you would have seen 650 items in your column, 452 in Ketevan's column and 198 items in the 'agreed' column

You can see how it is now if you were to create a new comparison (I just tried this in your review and then deleted it). You would see 3 items under you name and 647 items under Ketevan. This suggests that all 650 items were completed before the new comparison was created. 647/650 items that had your coding were marked as 'complete' and 3/650 items with Ketevan's coding where marked as 'complete'.
You can see this if you run a 'Quick' report on a new comparison. You would see that the 'Agreed' column is full, there are only 3 items in your column and 647 items in Ketevan's column.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Comparison coding, number screenedComparison coding, number screened

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