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12/04/2016 23:26
Hello, We just recently revamped our criteria for our mechanisms review and got rid of all of our old sources so we could start fresh with a new source of articles from a PubMed import. However, both of the coders on the review (myself and Cara) are experiencing some issues now that we have deleted all of the old sources and started with the new one: First, when we pull up the review, it says only 680 documents have been loaded in the main window. However, if you go to the Sources tab and click on the pubmed source, all 881 documents show up. It also says that 201 documents have been deleted from this source, but neither of us remember deleting that many articles. Why is this happening, and how do we get all 881 to show up in the same place (the documents tab)? Second, when we go to the Review Statistics tab, we cannot find any codes there to "complete" for comparison. Why is everything on this tab blank? Another, perhaps unrelated, issue is that we cannot click on a code that we want to see and "List items with this code." It hasn't worked for either of us on a single code, it just shows up as zero documents loaded. We have started coding (~50-60/coder), but we started on the pubmed source list and may be coding documents that are considered "deleted." Is this why the codes won't show up? I'm worried that it's not saving our codes for some reason.
New Post
13/04/2016 11:03

Hello Hannah,

Are we talking about your 'Mechanisms of Dissemination and Implementation' review. I had a look at it and am seeing what you have described.

According to the 'Review statistics' tab, any coding that you have done has not been on the 881 (I) - 201 (D) = 680 (I) items. If I look at the 201 (D) items I can see that there is coding for a number of those items. It may have been inadvertent but someone has marked those 201 as deleted items. The coding is still there but does not show up in the 'Review statistics' tab. You can change those deleted items back to (I) items by listing the 'pubmed_result.txt' source, selecting the 201 (D) items (you can use select, shift-select to grab all of them in one operation) in the 'Documents' tab , click the 'Assign documents to be...' icon (the 7th from the left) and give the 201 items the (I) flag. Once you have done that the coding will show up in the 'Review statistics' tab.

Since you are using comparison coding you might want to create new coding assignments in the 'Collaborate' tab. I noticed that the allocation code you are using ('Group 1 T & A') doesn't appear to exist anymore. If you set up your coding assignments it will be easier to run comparisons afterward (as you will know which items each person has coded).

If you have any questions about this please let us know.

Best regards,




New Post
13/04/2016 20:59
Thank you Jeff! This worked perfectly.
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