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New Post
31/03/2016 00:06

 Logon with EPPI username.

Authentication to ARCHIE requested.

Clicked OK.

No connection to ARCHIE established.

Unable to edit in EPPI.



New Post
31/03/2016 11:49

Hello again,

you may have been able to solve this already, but I'll offer a couple of suggestions, just in case.
I'm not sure exactly what is happening, specifically, I'd need more information about what you mean with "No connection to ARCHIE established". If you are requested to (re)authenticate on Archie, and, for whatever reason, the re-authentication isn't done, two things will happen:
1. The Cochrane license will (temporarily) not apply.
2. The "Archie Reviews" tab should disappear, but even if visible, it would be empty (so you won't be able to even open your Archie reviews).

[This happens because without re-authenticating, EPPI-Reviewer doesn't have permission to exchange data with Archie on your behalf.]

One very quick way to solve this hiccup is by reloading the EPPI-Reviewer page (brings you back to the login screen) and then using the "For Cochrane Authors" link to log on via Archie directly. This will naturally refresh the authentication and solve the problem.

The other thing that may be confusing is the Check-in/Check-out status. To work on an Archie review via EPPI-Reviewer, you need to check the review out from Archie via the provided button. It's OK (and expected) to keep the review checked out for long times while it's being conducted in EPPI-Reviewer. This is very different from normal RevMan practices, so it did confuse a few people. If a review is checked out from Archie by EPPI-Reviewer, it becomes writeable in EPPI-Reviewer, otherwise it is restricted to read-only for all review authors.

I've just realised that in case you are worried other people might open the review and do changes before acquiring the coding-only role (previous message), you could keep the review checked in Archie, ask all your collaborators to open the review once in EPPI-Reviewer (without checking it out) and once they have all done so, assign roles to them. At that point you'll check the review out again and be absolutely certain that everything is exactly as you want it. Not very practical, but it could work.

Best wishes,

New Post
31/03/2016 23:33

 This problem persists.

I have reloaded EPPI-Reviewer page and attempted to use "For Cochrane Authors" link. No link is established. Never see an ARCHIE login page.

I have tried this several times.

I have launched and quit my browser (Safari) multiple times.

Next I'll try rebooting my machine.



New Post
01/04/2016 13:26

Hi again,

I'm sorry to hear this. What you are reporting is puzzling, the only explanation I can imagine is super-simple (so I doubt it's correct): could it be that on one of your computers Safari is blocking the authentication pop-up?

Looking at your account activity logs, I see the following (all times are GMT+1):
On the 30th, you logged on briefly at 22:56. Nothing shows up for yesterday, and this morning you logged on very briefly at 05:52. For this last logon, I can also see that the connection to your Archie account was working as the information stored on our systems indicates that it was refreshed at 05:39.

All this suggests me that it may be that you are using different computers, perhaps one at home and another one at work, and that something doesn't work on only one of the two. Also, I notice that the review in question (EPPI-Reviewer ID = 8559) is not checked out from Archie, so, unless you are checking it out every time you open it, and then undo the check-out when done, you would be restricted to read-only. There doesn't seem to be a general problem in communicating with Archie because I can see that other people have accessed their Archie reviews normally.

In case the above doesn't help (please do check if your browser is blocking the pop-up right after clicking the "Logon via Archie" button), I'm afraid I will need to learn the precise detail of what isn't working for you. Could you send us the details of what you are trying to do and clearly indicate what is supposed to happen but doesn't? It might help to refer to the new online how-to video posted here, so to get a picture of would happen when things work as expected, the relevant section starts at time 1:57 (this link should bring you there directly), do note that the video shows what happens when using the "Logon on Archie" the first time, so what is shown there would be different again from time 2:27.

In all cases please let us know what you'll find.
Thanks and best wishes,

New Post
01/04/2016 21:02

Thanks for your patience in responding to my quesitons.

I believe I had a browser issue.

I do work at multiple computers (used only by me).

I am currently on Firefox with Silverlight activated and having no difficulty.

Concerning checking out the review from ARCHIE:

I need to populate my review with references, etc.

As I understand it, no data is transferred between EPPI and ARCHIE. Thus, I have to add references independently to my review through both EPPI and RevMan.

Do I have that right?

One more question. When logined to EPPI, I can't find a button to logout. How do I find it?




New Post
04/04/2016 15:37

Hi Nathan,
glad to hear the problem is surpassed. If you do have time, please do try to see wether you can make it work on Safari: as far as we know, it should work without trouble. Safari is known to have a "sandbox" enabled by default, when active (it is by default now) prevents people from uploading documents and saving files, so now I'm wondering if it is also preventing information from Archie to reach EPPI-Reviewer.

You can disable the sandbox in just a few clicks:
If you go to Safari preferences, Security and click on Manage Website Settings you can then select Silverlight and tell it to 'Allow' Silverlight to run in, what they are calling, unsafe mode. In the past Silverlight was allowed, by default, to run in this mode but at some point Apple changed this setting (you will need to completely restart Safari after making this change). Making this change would be necessary to allow uploading and saving data to/from EPPI-Reviewer while using Safari. I would be mildly surprised if this would solve your problem, but it's possible, so perhaps worth a try?

Re your questions: at the moment no review data (what is done in RevMan) is exchanged between Archie/RevMan and EPPI-Reviewer. So yes, you will need to import references via the normal EPPI-Reviewer procedures and then edit the RevMan files once the review is done. From what I see I don't think the work you are doing is a review update, which may make things easier later on: we are working on the data exchange features (just planning, for now) so it is possible that you will be able to send data automatically back to Archie/RevMan, if we'll manage to write the new features before you have finished using EPPI-Reviewer. In other words, I wouldn't edit data on RevMan right now, as it is possible that you won't need to do it all manually. Do you have a time frame towards the review completion?

On logging out: there is no 'logout' button because the feature is natively available in all browsers. All you need to do is reload the page and you'll be logged out and sent to the logon screen. It's a side effect of using Silverlight: you get a 100% fresh start whenever the hosting page is reloaded.

Best wishes,


New Post
06/04/2016 02:16

 Re: Safari

Setting Safari to unsafe mode, can never reach login screen for EPPI.

Setting Safari safe mode, can reach login screen and login.

However, same problem. Requests authentication at ARCHIE, but can't connect to ARCHIE.

Did multiple instatllations of Silverlight, opening and closing browsers, logging out, rebooting system.

So, I'll be using Firefox.


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